Comparing convolutional neural networks and preprocessing techniques for HEp-2 cell classification in immunofluorescence images LF Rodrigues, MC Naldi, JF Mari Computers in Biology and Medicine 116, 103542, 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
Maize leaf disease classification using convolutional neural networks and hyperparameter optimization EL da Rocha, LF Rodrigues, JF Mari XVI Workshop de Visão Computacional, 104-110, 2020 | 32 | 2020 |
Optimizing a Deep Residual Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Classification LF Rodrigues, AR Backes, BAN Travençolo, GMB de Oliveira Journal of Digital Imaging 35 (3), 623-637, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Cell classification using handcrafted features and bag of visual words LC Faria, LF Rodrigues, JF Mari XIV Workshop de Visão Computacional, 68-73, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Evaluating the Potential of Federated Learning for Maize Leaf Disease Prediction TM Antico, LFR Moreira, R Moreira Anais do XIX Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 2022 | 19 | 2022 |
Packet Vision: a convolutional neural network approach for network traffic classification R Moreira, LF Rodrigues, PF Rosa, RL Aguiar, F de Oliveira Silva | 14 | 2020 |
Exploiting Convolutional Neural Networks and preprocessing techniques for HEp-2 cell classification in immunofluorescence images LF Rodrigues, MC Naldi, JF Mari 2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI …, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
An Artificial Intelligence-as-a-Service Architecture for deep learning model embodiment on low-cost devices: A case study of COVID-19 diagnosis LFR Moreira, R Moreira, BAN Travençolo, AR Backes Applied Soft Computing 134, 110014, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
AgroLens: A low-cost and green-friendly Smart Farm Architecture to support real-time leaf disease diagnostics R Moreira, LFR Moreira, PLA Munhoz, EA Lopes, RAA Ruas Internet of Things 19, 100570, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
Morphological analysis and classification of erythrocytes in microscopy images LF Rodrigues, MC Naldi, JF Mari XII Workshop de Visão Computacional, 69-74, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
HEp-2 Cell Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks LF Rodrigues, MC Naldi, JF Mari Computer Vision (WVC), 2017 Workshop of, 13-18, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Meninas++: uma iniciativa para fomentar a participação feminina na área de Computação MM Nunes, LF Rodrigues, AZ Martinhago, LS Soares, RCD Reis Tecnologias, Sociedade e Conhecimento 3 (1), 58-78, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Uma iniciativa para atrair as estudantes do ensino médio para a Área de Tecnologia da Informação MM Nunes, LF Rodrigues, A Martinhago, L Soares, R Reis Anais do Workshop de Informática na Escola 21 (1), 425-434, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
An intelligent network monitoring approach for online classification of Darknet traffic R Moreira, LFR Moreira, F de Oliveira Silva Computers and Electrical Engineering 110, 108852, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
Leukocytes classification in microscopy images for acute lymphoblastic leukemia identification LF Rodrigues, JH Silva, PHCC Gondim, JF Mari XII Workshop de Visão Computacional, 334-338, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Evaluating Convolutional Neural Networks for COVID-19 classification in chest X-ray images LGF Rodrigues, LF Rodrigues, DF da Silva, JF Mari XVI Workshop de Visão Computacional, 52-57, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
A low-cost IoT architecture to support urban mobility for visually impaired people NA de Oliveira Silva, R Moreira, LF Rodrigues, R Marinho Anais Do XII Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental Da Internet Do Futuro, 1-6, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Optimizing data augmentation policies for Convolutional Neural Networks based on classification of sickle cells MV da Silva, LF Rodrigues, JF Mari XVI Workshop de Visão Computacional, 46-51, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
VINEVI: A virtualized network vision architecture for smart monitoring of heterogeneous applications and infrastructures R Moreira, HGVO da Cunha, LFR Moreira, FO Silva International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Automatic identification of charcoal origin based on deep learning R Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto, L Ferreira Rodrigues, JF Mari, ... Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 23, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |