Olivier Ly
Olivier Ly
Associate Professor - LaBRI - Université de Bordeaux
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The BINCOA framework for binary code analysis
S Bardin, P Herrmann, J Leroux, O Ly, R Tabary, A Vincent
Computer Aided Verification: 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011 …, 2011
Distance labeling in hyperbolic graphs
C Gavoille, O Ly
Algorithms and Computation: 16th International Symposium, ISAAC 2005, Sanya …, 2005
Using Coq to Verify Java CardTM Applet Isolation Properties
J Andronick, B Chetali, O Ly
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: 16th International Conference …, 2003
Bio-inspired vertebral column, compliance and semi-passive dynamics in a lightweight humanoid robot
O Ly, M Lapeyre, PY Oudeyer
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Automated extraction of polymorphic virus signatures using abstract interpretation
S Chaumette, O Ly, R Tabary
2011 5th International Conference on Network and System Security, 41-48, 2011
A smart card power analysis simulator
C Thuillet, P Andouard, O Ly
2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2 …, 2009
Rhoban football club: Robocup humanoid kid-size 2016 champion team paper
J Allali, L Deguillaume, R Fabre, L Gondry, L Hofer, O Ly, S N’Guyen, ...
RoboCup 2016: Robot World Cup XX 20, 491-502, 2017
Metabot: a low-cost legged robotics platform for education
G Passault, Q Rouxel, F Petit, O Ly
2016 International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions …, 2016
Exploring robust, intuitive and emergent physical human-robot interaction with the humanoid robot Acroban
PY Oudeyer, O Ly, P Rouanet
2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 120-127, 2011
A fully autonomous robot for putting posts for trellising vineyard with centimetric accuracy
O Ly, H Gimbert, G Passault, G Baron
2015 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2015
Dynaban, an open-source alternative firmware for dynamixel servo-motors
R Fabre, Q Rouxel, G Passault, S N’Guyen, O Ly
RoboCup 2016: Robot World Cup XX 20, 169-177, 2017
Maturational constraints for motor learning in high-dimensions: the case of biped walking
M Lapeyre, O Ly, PY Oudeyer
2011 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 707-714, 2011
Rhoban football club: RoboCup Humanoid KidSize 2019 champion team paper
L Gondry, L Hofer, P Laborde-Zubieta, O Ly, L Mathé, G Passault, ...
RoboCup 2019: Robot World Cup XXIII 23, 491-503, 2019
Rhoban hardware and software open source contributions for robocup humanoids
Q Rouxel, G Passault, L Hofer, S N’Guyen, O Ly
Proceedings of 10th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots, IEEE-RAS Int …, 2015
Automatic integration of counter-measures against fault injection attacks
ML Akkar, L Goubin, O Ly
Pre-print found at http://www. labri. fr/Perso/ly/index. htm, 2003
Learning the odometry on a small humanoid robot
Q Rouxel, G Passault, L Hofer, S N'Guyen, O Ly
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1810-1816, 2016
Intrinsically Motivated Learning in Natural and Artificial Systems, chapter Developmental constraints on intrinsically motivated skill learning: towards addressing high …
PY Oudeyer, A Baranes, F Kaplan, O Ly
Springer, 2013
Design of an industrial human-robot system through participative simulations—Tank cleaning case study
D Bitonneau, T Moulieres-Seban, J Dumora, O Ly, JF Thibault, JM Salotti, ...
2017 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 1-8, 2017
Acroban the humanoid: playful and compliant physical child-robot interaction
O Ly, PY Oudeyer
ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Emerging Technologies, 1-1, 2010
L Goubin, M Ivascot, W Jalby, O Ly, V Nachef, J Patarin, J Treger, E Volte
Submission to NIST, 2008
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