Struttura geologica fra i monti di Campiglia e Rapolano Terme (Toscana meridionale): stato attuale delle conoscenze e problematiche G Bertini, GM Cameli, A Costantini, FA Decandia, M Di Filippo, I Dini, ... STUDI GEOLOGICI CAMERTI. NUOVA SERIE 1, 155-178, 1991 | 151 | 1991 |
The Paleozoic basement of the Northern Apennines: stratigraphy, tectono-metamorphic evolution and Alpine hydrothermal processes. E Pandeli, G Gianelli, M Puxeddu, FM Elter MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETA'GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 48, 627-654, 1994 | 86 | 1994 |
Late Hercynian shear zones in Sardinia FM Elter, G Musumeci, PC Pertusati Tectonophysics 176 (3-4), 387-404, 1990 | 82 | 1990 |
Alpine and Hercynian orogenic phases in the basement rocks of the Northern Apennines (Larderello geothermal field, Southern Tuscany, Italy) FM Elter, E Pandeli Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 83, 241-264, 1990 | 71 | 1990 |
Structural frame of the Tuscan Paleozoic; a review P Conti, A Costantini, FA Decandia, FM Elter, M Gattiglio, A Lazzarotto, ... Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 110 (3-4), 523-541, 1991 | 65 | 1991 |
La fase post-nappe nella Toscana meridionale: nuova interpretazione sull’evoluzione dell’Appennino settentrionale FM Elter, F Sandrelli Atti Tic. Sc. Terra 37, 173-193, 1994 | 58 | 1994 |
Geologia della provincia di Livorno a sud del Fiume Cecina A Costantini, A Lazzarotto, M Maccantelli, R Mazzanti, F Sandrelli, ... Quad Mus Stor Nat di Livorno 13 (suppl 2), 1-164, 1993 | 58 | 1993 |
The East Variscan Shear Zone: new insights into its role in the Late Carboniferous collision in southern Europe M Padovano, FM Elter, E Pandeli, M Franceschelli International Geology Review 54 (8), 957-970, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Structural features of the metamorphic Paleozoic-Triassic sequences in deep geothermal drillings of the Monte Amiata area (SE Tuscany, Italy) FM Elter, E Pandeli Bollettino della Società geologica italiana 110 (3-4), 511-522, 1991 | 51 | 1991 |
Petrogenesis of Al–silicate-bearing trondhjemitic migmatites from NE Sardinia, Italy G Cruciani, M Franceschelli, FM Elter, M Puxeddu, D Utzeri Lithos 102 (3-4), 554-574, 2008 | 45 | 2008 |
The east Variscan shear zone: geochronological constraints from the Capo Ferro area (NE Sardinia, Italy) M Padovano, W Dörr, FM Elter, A Gerdes Lithos 196, 27-41, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
An alternative model for the recent evolution of the Northern–Central Apennines (Italy) FM Elter, P Elter, C Eva, E Eva, RK Kraus, M Padovano, S Solarino Journal of Geodynamics 54, 55-63, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
Seagrass on the rocks: Posidonia oceanica settled on shallow-water hard substrata withstands wave stress beyond predictions M Montefalcone, M Vacchi, C Carbone, R Cabella, CF Schiaffino, FM Elter, ... Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 180, 114-122, 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Late Hercynian shear zones in northeastern Sardinia (Italy) FM Elter, M Faure, C Ghezzo, B Corsi Géologie de la France, 3-16, 1999 | 36 | 1999 |
The geology of northern Sardinia FM Elter, M Franceschelli, C Ghezzo, I Memmi, CA Ricci IGCP Project, 87-102, 1986 | 35 | 1986 |
Further geochemical data on the pre-hercynian igneous activities of Sardinia and on theier geodinamic significance L Carmignani, S Barca, T Cocozza, M Elter, M Franceschelli, M Gattiglio, ... Newsletter 5, 87-93, 1983 | 33 | 1983 |
The south-western Alpine foreland: correlation between two sectors of the Variscan chain belonging to “stable Europe”: Sardinia (-) Corsica and the Maures Massif (south-eastern … FM Elter, B Corsi, P Cricca, G Muzio Geodinamica Acta 17 (1), 31-40, 2004 | 30 | 2004 |
The Atlas-East Variscan-Elbe shear system and its role in the formation of the pull-apart Late Palaeozoic basins FM Elter, L Gaggero, F Mantovani, E Pandeli, LG Costamagna International Journal of Earth Sciences 109, 739-760, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Strike-slip geometry inferred from the seismicity of the Northern-Central Apennines (Italy) FM Elter, E Piero, E Claudio, E Elena, KR Katharina, P Matteo, S Stefano Journal of Geodynamics 52 (5), 379-388, 2011 | 28 | 2011 |
Structural fabric of the Antola Unit (Riviera di Levante, Italy) and implications for its alpine versus Apennine origin B Corsi, FM Elter, S Giammarino Ofioliti 26 (1), 1-8, 2001 | 28 | 2001 |