From labour migration to labour mobility? The return of the multinational worker in Europe R Andrijasevic, D Sacchetto Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 22 (2), 219-231, 2016 | 107 | 2016 |
IL NORD-EST E IL SUO ORIENTE D Sacchetto Ombre corte, 2004 | 84 | 2004 |
‘Disappearing workers’: Foxconn in Europe and the changing role of temporary work agencies R Andrijasevic, D Sacchetto Work, employment and society 31 (1), 54-70, 2017 | 68 | 2017 |
Migrant farmworkers in Southern Italy: ghettoes, caporalato and collective action DC Perrotta, D Sacchetto Workers of the World 1 (5), 75-98, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Il ghetto e lo sciopero: braccianti stranieri nell'Italia meridionale D Sacchetto, D Perrotta Sociologia del lavoro: 128, 4, 2012, 153-166, 2012 | 58 | 2012 |
Restructuring labour relations and employment in the European logistics sector C Benvegnù, B Haidinger, D Sacchetto Reconstructing solidarity: labour unions, precarious work, and the politics …, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS Z FOOK 24th Annual Beacon Conference June 3, 2016 113, 64, 2016 | 42 | 2016 |
Un arcipelago produttivo: migranti e imprenditori tra Italia e Romania F Gambino, D Sacchetto Carocci, 2007 | 38* | 2007 |
Sulla pelle viva. Nardò: la lotta autorganizzata dei braccianti immigrati G Nigro, M Perrotta, D Sacchetto, Y Sagnet, B di Solidarietà Attiva Derive Approdi, Roma, 2012 | 36* | 2012 |
The work-technology nexus and working-class environmentalism: Workerism versus capitalist noxiousness in Italy’s Long 1968 L Feltrin, D Sacchetto Theory and society 50, 815-835, 2021 | 35 | 2021 |
Unemployed migrants coping with the economic crisis. Romanians and Moroccans in Italy D Sacchetto, FA Vianello Journal of International Migration and Integration 17, 839-852, 2016 | 34 | 2016 |
Made in the EU: Foxconn in the Czech Republic R Andrijasevic, D Sacchetto WorkingUSA 17 (3), 391-415, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
Navigando a Vista. Migranti nella crisi economica tra lavoro e disoccupazione: Migranti nella crisi economica tra lavoro e disoccupazione D Sacchetto, FA Vianello FrancoAngeli, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Beyond China: Foxconn’s assembly plants in Europe D Sacchetto, R Andrijasevic South Atlantic Quarterly 114 (1), 215-224, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Transgressing north–south divide: Foxconn production regimes in China and the Czech Republic N Pun, R Andrijasevic, D Sacchetto Critical Sociology 46 (2), 307-322, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Les ouvriers agricoles étrangers dans l’Italie méridionale: Entre “séclusion” et action collective D Perrotta, D Sacchetto Hommes & migrations 1301, 57-65, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
Fabbriche galleggianti: solitudine e sfruttamento dei nuovi marinai D Sacchetto Editoriale Jaca Book, 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Workers' cooperatives in Italy: Between solidarity and autocratic centralism D Sacchetto, M Semenzin Social Economy in China and the World, 135-155, 2015 | 24* | 2015 |
Quando il potere è operaio: autonomia e soggettivita'politica a Porto Marghera (1960-1980) G Sbrogiò, D Sacchetto Manifesto Libri, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |