Daniel E. Jones
Daniel E. Jones
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
在 army.mil 的电子邮件经过验证
Tuning quantum channels to maximize polarization entanglement for telecom photon pairs
DE Jones, BT Kirby, M Brodsky
npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 58, 2018
Ladder-type electromagnetically induced transparency using nanofiber-guided light in a warm atomic vapor
DE Jones, JD Franson, TB Pittman
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043806, 2015
Effect of polarization dependent loss on the quality of transmitted polarization entanglement
BT Kirby, DE Jones, M Brodsky
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (1), 95-102, 2019
Ultralow-power nonlinear optics using tapered optical fibers in metastable xenon
TB Pittman, DE Jones, JD Franson
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 053804, 2013
Coupling between waveguides and microresonators: the local approach
DLP Vitullo, S Zaki, DE Jones, M Sumetsky, M Brodsky
Optics Express 28 (18), 25908-25914, 2020
Saturation of atomic transitions using subwavelength diameter tapered optical fibers in rubidium vapor
DE Jones, JD Franson, TB Pittman
JOSA B 31 (8), 1997-2001, 2014
Improving application performance with biased distributions of quantum states
S Lohani, JM Lukens, DE Jones, TA Searles, RT Glasser, BT Kirby
Physical Review Research 3 (4), 043145, 2021
Nanofiber-segment ring resonator
DE Jones, GT Hickman, JD Franson, TB Pittman
Optics Letters 41 (16), 3683-3685, 2016
Exploring classical correlations in noise to recover quantum information using local filtering
DE Jones, BT Kirby, G Riccardi, C Antonelli, M Brodsky
New Journal of Physics 22, 073037, 2020
Complete characterization of quantum correlations by randomized measurements
N Wyderka, A Ketterer, S Imai, JL Bönsel, DE Jones, BT Kirby, XD Yu, ...
Physical Review Letters 131 (9), 090201, 2023
Joint characterization of two single photon detectors with a fiber-based source of entangled photon pairs
DE Jones, BT Kirby, M Brodsky
Laser Science, JW4A. 37, 2017
Simultaneous decoherence and mode filtering in quantum channels: Theory and experiment
G Riccardi, C Antonelli, DE Jones, M Brodsky
Physical Review Applied 15 (1), 014060, 2021
In-situ calibration of fiber-optics entangled photon distribution system
DE Jones, BT Kirby, M Brodsky
IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting Series 2017, TuF2.4, 2017
Exploring the relationship between the faithfulness and entanglement of two qubits
G Riccardi, DE Jones, XD Yu, O Gühne, BT Kirby
Physical Review A 103 (4), 042417, 2021
Demonstration of machine-learning-enhanced Bayesian quantum state estimation
S Lohani, JM Lukens, AA Davis, A Khannejad, S Regmi, DE Jones, ...
New Journal of Physics 25 (8), 083009, 2023
Polarization dependent loss in optical fibers-does it help or ruin photon entanglement distribution?
DE Jones, BT Kirby, M Brodsky
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th4B. 1, 2018
Interaction of nanofiber-guided light with a warm atomic vapor
DE Jones
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2016
Simulating quantum key distribution in fiber-based quantum networks
DLP Vitullo, T Cook, DE Jones, LM Scott, A Toth, BT Kirby
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 15485129231154929, 2023
Entanglement loss and recovery due to arbitrarily oriented polarization dependent loss for telecom band photon pairs
DE Jones, BT Kirby, M Brodsky
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FTu3G. 7, 2018
Simulation of Quantum Key Distribution Using Entangled Photon Pairs Over Free-Space Channels
DE Jones, DLP Vitullo, T Cook, LM Scott, A Toth, BT Kirby
2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 1-2, 2022
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