Gerard Edward Ryan
Gerard Edward Ryan
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Bycatch in gillnet fisheries threatens critically endangered small cetaceans and other aquatic megafauna
RL Brownell Jr, RR Reeves, AJ Read, BD Smith, PO Thomas, K Ralls, ...
Endangered Species Research 40, 285-296, 2019
COVID-19 highlights the need for more effective wildlife trade legislation
A Borzée, J McNeely, K Magellan, JRB Miller, L Porter, T Dutta, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35 (12), 1052-1055, 2020
Irrawaddy dolphin demography in the Mekong River: an application of mark–resight models
GE Ryan, V Dove, F Trujillo, PF Doherty
Ecosphere 2 (5), 1-15, 2011
A rapid assessment of wildlife tourism risk posed to cetaceans in Asia
PLK Mustika, R Welters, GE Ryan, C D'Lima, P Sorongon-Yap, ...
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25 (8), 1138-1158, 2017
Dams threaten rare Mekong dolphins
RL Brownell Jr, RR Reeves, PO Thomas, BD Smith, GE Ryan
Science 355 (6327), 805-805, 2017
Demographic collapse and low genetic diversity of the Irrawaddy dolphin population inhabiting the Mekong River
M Krützen, I Beasley, CY Ackermann, D Lieckfeldt, A Ludwig, GE Ryan, ...
Plos one 13 (1), e0189200, 2018
Poisoning causing the decline in South-East Asia’s largest vulture population
R Loveridge, GE Ryan, P Sum, O Gray-Read, SP Mahood, A Mould, ...
Bird Conservation International 29 (1), 41-54, 2019
A modelling approach to estimate the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 during periods of high, low, and zero case incidence
N Golding, DJ Price, G Ryan, J McVernon, JM McCaw, FM Shearer
Elife 12, e78089, 2023
Waterbird nest protection on the Mekong River: a preliminary evaluation with notes on the recovery and release of white-shouldered ibis Pseudibis davisoni chicks
K Sok, AH Claassen, HL Wright, GE Ryan
Cambodian Journal of Natural History, 29-41, 2012
Electrofishing as a potential threat to freshwater cetaceans
PO Thomas, FMD Gulland, RR Reeves, D Kreb, W Ding, B Smith, MI Malik, ...
Endangered Species Research 39, 207-220, 2019
The SAFE index should not be used for prioritization
MA McCarthy, GE Garrard, AL Moore, KM Parris, TJ Regan, GE Ryan
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9 (9), 486-487, 2011
COVID-19 vaccine coverage targets to inform reopening plans in a low incidence setting
E Conway, CR Walker, C Baker, MJ Lydeamore, GE Ryan, T Campbell, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (2005), 20231437, 2023
Estimating the impact of test–trace–isolate–quarantine systems on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Australia
FM Shearer, JM McCaw, GE Ryan, T Hao, NJ Tierney, MJ Lydeamore, ...
Epidemics 47, 100764, 2024
The Serengeti of Asia: conservation in two major protected areas of the eastern plains landscape protected area complex, Cambodia
R Singh, P Channa, P Sovanna, P Chanratana, G Ryan, M Wright
PARKS 19, 23-33, 2013
Estimating measures to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Australia to guide a ‘National Plan’to reopening
GE Ryan, FM Shearer, JM McCaw, J McVernon, N Golding
Epidemics 47, 100763, 2024
The Don Sahong Dam and the Mekong Dolphin
GE Ryan
World Wide Fund For Nature, Gland Switzerland, 2014
Situational assessment of COVID-19 in Australia Technical Report 15 March 2021 (released 28 May 2021)
N Golding, FM Shearer, R Moss, P Dawson, D Liu, JV Ross, R Hyndman, ...
https://www.doherty.edu.au/uploads/content_doc …, 2021
A general method for assessing the risks and benefits of secrecy in conserving ‘Lazarus species'
GE Ryan, CM Baker
Biological Conservation 203 (November 2016), 186–187, 2016
Irrawaddy dolphins and Mekong mainstream hydropower
G Ryan, M Goichot
A science brief from WWF Greater Mekong Programme, 2011
Individual variation in vaccine immune response can produce bimodal distributions of protection
C Zachreson, R Tobin, J Szanyi, C Walker, D Cromer, FM Shearer, ...
Vaccine 41 (45), 6630-6636, 2023
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