okol sri suharyo
okol sri suharyo
Doctor of Naval Architecture, Operation Research, Indonesian Naval Technology College STTAL
在 sttal.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Establishing the Location of Naval Base Using Fuzzy MCDM and Covering Technique Methods: A Case Study
OS Suharyo, D Manfaat, HD Armono
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management IJOQM 23 (1 …, 2017
Analisa perubahan penggunaan lahan wilayah pesisir Selat Madura
Z Hidayah, OS Suharyo
Rekayasa 11 (1), 19-30, 2018
The development strategy of smart campus for improving excellent navy human resources
A Bastari, A Bandono, OS Suharyo
Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances 6 (2), 033-043, 2021
Failure mode effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) for determination time interval replacement of critical components in warships radar
B Suharjo, OS Suharyo, A Bandono
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 97 (10), 2861-2870, 2019
Pemanfaatan citra satelit resolusi tinggi untuk identifikasi perubahan garis pantai Pesisir Utara Surabaya
OS Suharyo, Z Hidayah
Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology 12 (1 …, 2019
Riono.(2019). Applied fuzzy and NASA tlx method to measure of the mental workload
ADI Bandono, OS Suharyo
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 97 (2), 476-489, 0
5. Jurnal The Assesment Of Naval Base Sustainability Using Dynamic System Thinking Approach
SS Okol
The Assesment Of Naval Base Sustainability Using Dynamic System Thinking …, 2019
Navy ability development strategy using SWOT analysis-interpretative structural modeling (ISM)
AK Susilo, U Ciptomulyono, IN Putra, A Ahmadi, OS Suharyo
Strategic Management-International Journal of Strategic Management and …, 2019
Feasibility analysis of naval base relocation using SWOT and AHP method to support main duties operation
P Yogi, O Rizal, OS Suharyo
Journal of Defense Resources Management 8 (2), 14-30, 2017
27. Jurnal Studi Hasil Running Model Arus Permukaan Dengan Software Numerik Mike 21/3 (Guna Penentuan Lokasi Penempatan Stasiun Energi Arus Selat Lombok-Nusapenida)
SS Okol
Studi Hasil Running Model Arus Permukaan Dengan Software Numerik Mike 21/3 …, 2018
The applications of model bayesian networks for analysis and preventive actions on maritime security operations
SH Nugroho, B Sukandari, A Bandono, O Sri Suharyo
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 9 (3), 3000-3006, 2020
The application of Nasa-Tlx methods to the analysis of Mtf navy personnel allocation
SH Nugroho, B Sukandari, OS Suharyo, A Bandono
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 9 (3), 6172-6179, 2020
Applied of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Design For Fuel Pipeline Network at Naval Base.
AK Susilo, A Ahmadi, OS Suharyo, P Pratisna
Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering 14 (2), 2017
The optimization of multipurpose building development on project scheduling using precedence diagram method (PDM)
S Sutrisno, A Ahmadi, OS Suharyo
Journal Asro 9 (1), 1-7, 2018
Effectiveness Naval Collaboration Flexible Learning (NCFL) Model in Increasing Learning Outcomes The Indonesian Naval Technology College
B Adi
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) 23 …, 2020
12. Jurnal The Application Model of Naval Collaboration FlexibleLearning (NCFL) in the Indonesian Naval Technology College: A Case Study
A Bandono
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) 23 …, 2020
Rancang Bangun Alat Pengukur Gelombang Permukaan Laut Presisi Tinggi (A Prototype Design)
OS Suharyo
Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal 1 (1), 18-29, 2018
Selection Anti Submarine Sensor of Helicopter Using ELECTRE III Method
Ahmadi, SH Sumantri, OS Suharyo, AK Susilo
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (9), 1974-1981, 2017
The Naval Harbours Priority Development Using Zero-One Matrix Decision Variable (ZOMDV) And Fuzzy Mcdm Methods; A Case Study
B Suharjo, OS Suharyo
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 10 (2 …, 2019
Internal and external enviromental strategy analysis using SWOT matrix and QSPM
IMJ Astika, OS Suharyo
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 25 (1), 507-516, 2021
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