Lee Liberty
Lee Liberty
Research Professor, Boise State University
在 boisestate.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Association of ice and river channel morphology determined using ground-penetrating radar in the Kuparuk River, Alaska
H Best, JP McNamara, L Liberty
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 37 (2), 157-162, 2005
Finding concealed active faults: Extending the southern Whidbey Island fault across the Puget Lowland, Washington
BL Sherrod, RJ Blakely, CS Weaver, HM Kelsey, E Barnett, L Liberty, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B5), 2008
The Portland Hills Fault: uncovering a hidden fault in Portland, Oregon using high-resolution geophysical methods
LM Liberty, MA Hemphill-Haley, IP Madin
Tectonophysics 368 (1-4), 89-103, 2003
New aeromagnetic data reveal large strike-slip (?) faults in the northern Willamette Valley, Oregon
RJ Blakely, RE Wells, TL Tolan, MH Beeson, AM Trehu, LM Liberty
Geological Society of America Bulletin 112 (8), 1225-1233, 2000
Global Geoscience Transect 8: Quebec-Maine-Gulf of Maine Transect, Southeastern Canada, Northeastern United States of America
DB Stewart, BE Wright, JD Unger, JD Phillips, DR Hutchinson
IMAP, 1993
Imaging complex structure in shallow seismic-reflection data using prestack depth migration
JH Bradford, LM Liberty, MW Lyle, WP Clement, S Hess
Geophysics 71 (6), B175-B181, 2006
Seismic reflection imaging of a geothermal aquifer in an urban setting
L Liberty
Geophysics 63 (4), 1285-1294, 1998
First results from HOTSPOT: the Snake River Plain scientific drilling project, Idaho, USA
JW Shervais, DR Schmitt, D Nielson, JP Evans, EH Christiansen, ...
Scientific Drilling 15, 36-45, 2013
A submarine landslide source for the devastating 1964 Chenega tsunami, southern Alaska
DS Brothers, PJ Haeussler, L Liberty, D Finlayson, E Geist, K Labay, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 438, 112-121, 2016
Svalbard 2006 experimental oil spill under ice: remote sensing, oil weathering under Arctic conditions and assessment of oil removal by in-situ burning
D Dickins, PJ Brandvik, J Bradford, LG Faksness, L Liberty, R Daniloff
International Oil Spill Conference 2008 (1), 681-688, 2008
Geophysical surveys across the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site to determine geophysical parameters of a shallow, alluvial aquifer
WP Clement, MD Knoll, LM Liberty, PR Donaldson, P Michaels, ...
Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental …, 1999
Geothermal play fairway analysis of the Snake River Plain: Phase 2
JW Shervais, JMG Glen, DL Nielson, S Garg, LM Liberty, D Siler, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2017
Structure of the eastern Seattle fault zone, Washington State: New insights from seismic reflection data
LM Liberty, TL Pratt
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 98 (4), 1681-1695, 2008
New imaging of submarine landslides from the 1964 earthquake near Whittier, Alaska, and a comparison to failures in other Alaskan fjords
PJ Haeussler, T Parsons, DP Finlayson, P Hart, JD Chaytor, H Ryan, ...
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium …, 2014
Isolating retrograde and prograde Rayleigh-wave modes using a polarity mute
G Gribler, LM Liberty, TD Mikesell, P Michaels
Geophysics 81 (5), V379-V385, 2016
Seismic imaging of the Main Frontal Thrust in Nepal reveals a shallow décollement and blind thrusting
RV Almeida, J Hubbard, L Liberty, A Foster, SN Sapkota
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 494, 216-225, 2018
Focused exhumation along megathrust splay faults in Prince William Sound, Alaska
PJ Haeussler, PA Armstrong, LM Liberty, KM Ferguson, SP Finn, JC Arkle, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 113, 8-22, 2015
Broad region of no sediment in the southwest Pacific Basin
DK Rea, MW Lyle, LM Liberty, SA Hovan, MP Bolyn, JD Gleason, ...
Geology 34 (10), 873-876, 2006
The Portland Hills fault: An earthquake generator or just another old fault
IG Wong, MA Hemphill-Haley, LM Liberty, IP Madin
Oregon Geology 63 (2), 39-50, 2001
Megathrust splay faults at the focus of the Prince William Sound asperity, Alaska
LM Liberty, SP Finn, PJ Haeussler, TL Pratt, A Peterson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (10), 5428-5441, 2013
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