Shahira S. Fahmy
Picturing Afghan women: A content analysis of AP wire photographs during the Taliban regime and after the fall of the Taliban regime
S Fahmy
Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands) 66 (2), 91-112, 2004
Contrasting visual frames of our times: A framing analysis of English-and Arabic-language press coverage of war and terrorism
S Fahmy
International communication gazette 72 (8), 695-717, 2010
Picturing the Iraq War: Constructing the image of war in the British and US press
S Fahmy, D Kim
International Communication Gazette 70 (6), 443-462, 2008
Visual communication theory and research: A mass communication perspective
S Fahmy, M Bock, W Wanta
Springer, 2014
Gatekeeping and citizen journalism: The use of social media during the recent uprisings in Iran, Egypt, and Libya
SR Ali, S Fahmy
Media, War & Conflict 6 (1), 55-69, 2013
Exploring the spiral of silence in the virtual world: lndividuals' willingness to express personal opinions in online versus offline settings
X Liu, S Fahmy
Journal of Media and Communication Studies 3 (2), 45, 2011
What Katrina revealed: A visual analysis of the hurricane coverage by news wires and US newspapers
S Fahmy, JD Kelly, YS Kim
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 84 (3), 546-561, 2007
Photojournalists' and photo editors' attitudes and perceptions: The visual coverage of 9/11 and the Afghan war
S Fahmy
Visual Communication Quarterly 12 (3-4), 146-163, 2005
“How we performed”: Embedded journalists' attitudes and perceptions towards covering the Iraq War
S Fahmy, TJ Johnson
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 82 (2), 301-317, 2005
Visual agenda-setting after 9/11: Individuals' emotions, image recall, and concern with terrorism
S Fahmy, S Cho, W Wanta, Y Song
Visual Communication Quarterly 13 (1), 4-15, 2006
Emerging alternatives or traditional news gates: Which news sources were used to picture the 9/11 attack and the Afghan war?
S Fahmy
Gazette (Leiden, Netherlands) 67 (5), 381-398, 2005
“They Took It Down”: exploring determinants of visual reporting in the toppling of the Saddam statue in national and international newspapers
S Fahmy
Mass Communication & Society 10 (2), 143-170, 2007
Shooting war or peace photographs? An examination of newswires’ coverage of the conflict in Gaza (2008-2009)
S Fahmy, R Neumann
American Behavioral Scientist 56 (2), NP1-NP26, 2012
The CNN of the Arab world or a shill for terrorists? How support for press freedom and political ideology predict credibility of Al-Jazeera among its audience
TJ Johnson, S Fahmy
International Communication Gazette 70 (5), 338-360, 2008
Al-Jazeera vs Al-Jazeera: A comparison of the network’s English and Arabic online coverage of the US/Al Qaeda conflict
SS Fahmy, M Al Emad
International Communication Gazette 73 (3), 216-232, 2011
How online journalists rank importance of news skills
S Fahmy
Newspaper Research Journal 29 (2), 23-39, 2008
High drama on the high seas: Peace versus war journalism framing of an Israeli/Palestinian-related incident
S Fahmy, B Eakin
International Communication Gazette 76 (1), 86-105, 2014
Analyzing the spell of war: A war/peace framing analysis of the 2009 visual coverage of the Sri Lankan civil war in western newswires
R Neumann, S Fahmy
Mass Communication and Society 15 (2), 169-200, 2012
Missing religion: Second level agenda setting and Islam in American newspapers
BJ Bowe, S Fahmy, W Wanta
International Communication Gazette 75 (7), 636-652, 2013
Picturing a journey of protest or a journey of harmony? Comparing the visual framing of the 2008 Olympic torch relay in the US versus the Chinese press
Y Huang, S Fahmy
Media, War & Conflict 6 (3), 191-206, 2013
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