Kvalitativ analys-exemplet fenomenografi S Larsson Studentlitteratur, 1986 | 1741 | 1986 |
Om kvalitet i kvalitativa studier S Larsson Kvalitativ metod och vetenskapsteori, 1994 | 1203* | 1994 |
A pluralist view of generalization in qualitative research S Larsson International journal of research & method in education 32 (1), 25-38, 2009 | 755 | 2009 |
Om kvalitetskriterier i kvalitativa studier. I Starrin S Larsson B. & Svensson, PG, 1994 | 420* | 1994 |
Livslångt lärande PE Ellström, B Gustavsson, S Larsson Studentlitteratur, 1996 | 230 | 1996 |
Learning from experience: Teachers’ conceptions of changes in their professional practice S Larsson Journal of curriculum studies 19 (1), 35-43, 1987 | 102 | 1987 |
Seven aspects of democracy as related to study circles S Larsson International Journal of Lifelong Education 20 (3), 199-217, 2001 | 100 | 2001 |
Paradoxes in teaching S Larsson Instructional Science 12 (4), 355-365, 1983 | 92 | 1983 |
Vardagslärande och vuxenutbildning S Larsson Livslångt lärande, 1996 | 86* | 1996 |
Ethnography in action. How ethnography was established in Swedish educational research S Larsson Ethnography and education 1 (2), 177-195, 2006 | 77 | 2006 |
The struggle for democratic education. Equality and participation in Sweden S Ball, S Larsson The Falmer Press, 1989 | 76 | 1989 |
On quality in qualitative studies S Larsson Nordisk pedagogik 13 (1), 194-211, 1993 | 74 | 1993 |
Study circles in Sweden: An overview with a bibliography of international literature S Larsson, H Nordvall Linköping University Electronic Press, 2010 | 65 | 2010 |
Cirkelsamhället. Studiecirklars betydelser för individ och lokalsamhälle: delbetänkande/av Utredningen för statlig utvärdering av folkbildningen E Andersson, G Sundgren, AM Laginder, S Larsson | 57 | 1996 |
Om generalisering från kvalitativa studier S Larsson Uppdrag undervisning, 51-68, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Describing teachers´ conception of their professional world S Larsson Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003 | 53 | 2003 |
Folk high schools as educational avant-gardes in Sweden S Larsson Popular education, power and democracy: Swedish experiences and …, 2013 | 49* | 2013 |
Confronting globalisation: Learning from intercontinental collaboration S Larsson, D Boud*, M Abrandt Dahlgren, S Walters, T Sork Innovations in Education and Teaching International 42 (1), 61-71, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
Invisible colleges in the adult education research world S Larsson European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 1 (1-2 …, 2010 | 45 | 2010 |
Arbetsupplevelse och utbildningssyn hos icke facklärda L Staffan, C Alexandersson, G Helmstad, PO Thång Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1986 | 43 | 1986 |