Mustafa Toprak
Mustafa Toprak
Sharjah Education Academy
在 sea.ac.ae 的电子邮件经过验证
Positive psychological capital and emotional labor: A study in educational organizations
R Tosten, M Toprak
Cogent Education 4 (1), 1301012, 2017
An Investigation of Forcibly Migrated Syrian Refugee Students at Turkish Public Schools.
R Tösten, M Toprak, MS Kayan
Universal Journal of Educational Research 5 (7), 1149-1160, 2017
Do leadership styles influence organizational health? A study in educational organizations
M Toprak, B Inandi, AL Colak
International Journal of Educational Methodology 1 (1), 19-26, 2015
Mediation effect of schools’ psychological climate on the relationship between principals’ leadership style and organizational commitment
AC Savas, M Toprak
The Anthropologist 17 (1), 173-182, 2014
Two alternative models on the relationships between organizational justice, organizational commitment, burnout, and job satisfaction of education supervisors
M Karakus, M Ustuner, M Toprak
KEDI Journal of Educational Policy 11 (1), 69-94, 2014
Structural Equation Modelling on the Relationships between Teachers' Trust in Manager, Commitment to Manager, Satisfaction with Manager and Intent to Leave.
M Karakuş, M Toprak, M Gürpınar
Croatian Journal Educational/Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj I Obrazovanje 16 (1), 2014
Re-conceptualizing teacher evaluation and supervision in the light of educational reforms in Egypt
R Marey, G Hesham, A Magdd, M Toprak
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2 (1), 100081, 2020
Teachers’ moral intelligence: A scale adaptation into Turkish and preliminary evidence
M Toprak, M Karakus
European Journal of Educational Research 7 (4), 901-911, 2018
Psychological climate in organizations: A systematic review
M Toprak, M Karakuş
European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research 1 (1), 43-52, 2018
Cultural awareness on a bilingual education: A mixed method study
B Ozfidan, M Toprak
Multicultural Learning and Teaching 15 (1), 20170019, 2020
Restoring hope for Syrian refugees: Social support students need to excel at school
IM Karkouti, TDV Wolsey, M Toprak
International Migration 58 (4), 21-36, 2020
Empowering teachers during refugee crises: Social support they need to Thrive
IM Karkouti, TDV Wolsey, TA Bekele, M Toprak
Teaching and Teacher Education 107, 103471, 2021
Students’ and their teachers’ views of computer-assisted instruction: The case of the probability subject
R Gürbüz, H Çatlioğlu, O Birgin, M Toprak
Odgojne znanosti 11 (1 (17)), 155-169, 2009
School headmasters’ emotional intelligence and teachers’ job satisfaction: Moderation effect of emotional labor
M Toprak, AC Savaş
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 32 (2), 4-18, 2020
İlköğretim okullarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin okul etkililiğine ilişkin görüşleri:(Adıyaman ili örneği)
M Toprak
Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Elazığ, 2011
Involvement in change and commitment to change: A study at public schools
M Toprak, MS Summak
International Journal of Social Sciences & Education 4 (4), 953-968, 2014
Mediation effect of job stress in the relationship between organizational health and job satisfaction
AC Savas, M Toprak
Ozean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (1), 1-11, 2013
Sustainability of Education Reforms: An Investigation into the Professional Development Component of USAID/Egypt Education Reform Program (ERP, 2004-2009).
A Badran, M Toprak
Education Policy Analysis Archives 28 (129), n129, 2020
Mismatch between teachers’ need for change and change in practice: what if what they see is not what they want?
M Toprak
International Journal of Leadership in Education 21 (6), 669-689, 2018
Sınıf yönetimi stratejileri: öğrencilerin iş birliği yapmalarını sağlama ve bu iş birliğini devam ettirme
M Toprak, R Hoş
Nobel Akademik, 2016
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