Sreejith Kottuparambil
Sreejith Kottuparambil
Post-doctoral researcher, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
在 kaust.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
Ultraviolet radiation and cyanobacteria
RP Rastogi, RP Sinha, SH Moh, TK Lee, S Kottuparambil, YJ Kim, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 141, 154-169, 2014
Euglena as a potential natural source of value-added metabolites. A review
S Kottuparambil, RL Thankamony, S Agusti
Algal research 37, 154-159, 2019
UV-B affects photosynthesis, ROS production and motility of the freshwater flagellate, Euglena agilis Carter
S Kottuparambil, W Shin, MT Brown, T Han
Aquatic toxicology 122, 206-213, 2012
Potential applications of nuisance microalgae blooms
JK Kim, S Kottuparambil, SH Moh, TK Lee, YJ Kim, JS Rhee, EM Choi, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 27, 1223-1234, 2015
A rapid phenol toxicity test based on photosynthesis and movement of the freshwater flagellate, Euglena agilis Carter
S Kottuparambil, YJ Kim, H Choi, MS Kim, A Park, J Park, W Shin, T Han
Aquatic toxicology 155, 9-14, 2014
Single and interactive effects of the antifouling booster herbicides diuron and Irgarol 1051 on photosynthesis in the marine cyanobacterium, Arthrospira maxima
S Kottuparambil, S Lee, T Han
Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 5, 71-81, 2013
PAHs sensitivity of picophytoplankton populations in the Red Sea
S Kottuparambil, S Agusti
Environmental pollution 239, 607-616, 2018
Anthracene phytotoxicity in the freshwater flagellate alga Euglena agilis Carter
S Kottuparambil, J Park
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 15323, 2019
Cell-by-cell estimation of PAH sorption and subsequent toxicity in marine phytoplankton
S Kottuparambil, S Agusti
Chemosphere 259, 127487, 2020
Accumulation of 13C-labelled phenanthrene in phytoplankton and transfer to corals resolved using cavity ring-down spectroscopy
A Ashok, S Kottuparambil, L Høj, AP Negri, CM Duarte, S Agustí
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 196, 110511, 2020
Adaptation of Red Sea Phytoplankton to experimental warming increases their tolerance to toxic metal exposure
S Kottuparambil, P Jin, S Agusti
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 125, 2019
Comparative assessment of single and joint effects of diuron and Irgarol 1051 on Arctic and temperate microalgae using chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging
S Kottuparambil, MT Brown, J Park, S Choi, H Lee, HG Choi, S Depuydt, ...
Ecological indicators 76, 304-316, 2017
Tracking the early signals of crude oil in seawater and plankton after a major oil spill in the Red Sea
S Kottuparambil, A Ashok, A Barozzi, G Michoud, C Cai, D Daffonchio, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (26), 69150-69164, 2023
Euglena as a potential natural source of value-added metabolites. A review. Algal Res 37: 154–159
S Kottuparambil, RL Thankamony, S Agusti
Euglenoid Flagellates in Ecotoxicological Research: Progress and Perspectives
S Kottuparambil
Preprints, 2022
Advances in the development of anticancer drugs from Euglena
S Kottuparambil
J Alg Biomass Util 11 (1), 23-26, 2020
High temperature and solar radiation in the Red Sea enhance the dissolution of crude oil from surface films
S Kottuparambil, A Ashok, P López, MH Amad, CM Duarte, S Agusti
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-15, 2024
A new flow cytometry-based method to detect polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) sorbed to marine phytoplankton
S Kottuparambil
(사) 한국해양생명과학회 학술대회, 65-65, 2022
2 CHAPTER 1: Accumulation of 13C-labelled phenanthrene in phytoplankton and transfer to corals resolved using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
A Ashok, S Kottuparambil, L Høj, AP Negri, CM Duarte, S Agustí
Impacts of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on oligotrophic tropical marine …, 2022
Quantifying the accumulation of 13C-labelled phenanthrene in phytoplankton and transfer to corals using Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy
A Ashok, S Kottuparambil, L Hoj, A Negri, C M Duarte
文章 1–20