Ragna Stalsberg
Ragna Stalsberg
Associate Professor, NTNU
在 ntnu.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Effects of socioeconomic status on the physical activity in adolescents: a systematic review of the evidence
R Stalsberg, AV Pedersen
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 20 (3), 368-383, 2010
Are differences in physical activity across socioeconomic groups associated with choice of physical activity variables to report?
R Stalsberg, AV Pedersen
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (5), 922, 2018
Scaling demands of soccer according to anthropometric and physiological sex differences: a fairer comparison of men’s and women’s soccer
AV Pedersen, IM Aksdal, R Stalsberg
Frontiers in psychology 10, 762, 2019
Meaning making for psychological adjustment and quality of life in older long-term breast cancer survivors
M Nilsen, R Stalsberg, K Sand, G Haugan, RJ Reidunsdatter
Frontiers in psychology 12, 734198, 2021
Physical activity in long-term breast cancer survivors–A mixed-methods approach
R Stalsberg, TA Eikemo, S Lundgren, RJ Reidunsdatter
The Breast 46, 126-135, 2019
Er forelesninga effektiv, interessant og meningsfull?-Oppfatninger om og betydningen av forelesninger som undervisningsform
ER Thingnes, R Stalsberg, B Sitter
Uniped 38 (4), 390-397, 2015
Breast cancer patients’ experiences with information and communication in cancer disease trajectories
BJ Brattheim, K Sand, H Gilstad, R Stalsberg, S Lundgren, ...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017
Do breast cancer patients manage to participate in an outdoor, tailored, physical activity program during adjuvant breast cancer treatment, independent of health and socio …
R Stalsberg, GF Bertheussen, H Børset, SN Thomsen, A Husøy, VG Flote, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (3), 843, 2022
Who are they? Identities in the Norwegian radiographer profession as presented in the Norwegian printed press
R Stalsberg, ER Thingnes
Radiography 22 (4), e239-e244, 2016
Kvalitative aspekter ved innføring av mobile røntgentjenester til sykehjem. En studie av tre faggruppers forventninger.
ER Thingnes, R Stalsberg
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 6 (2), 14-28, 2010
Differences in soccer heading injuries between male and female soccer players may be due to equal ball weight causing differences in relative impacts
AV Pedersen, R Stalsberg
Radiology 290 (2), 579-580, 2019
Social inequalities in physical activity Implications of research practices–the case of studying breast cancer survivors
R Stalsberg
NTNU, 2021
Ung voksen med Revmatoid Artritt
MH Birkeland, AK Marsfjell, R Stalsberg
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning 7 (1), 17-31, 2011
Where are we talking from?: leisure-time physical activity and daily-life physical activity from a global perspective.
R Stalsberg, AV Pedersen
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 21 (1), 2011
Social Representativeness and Intervention Adherence—A Systematic Review of Clinical Physical Activity Trials in Breast Cancer Patients
R Stalsberg, MD Darvik
International Journal of Public Health 69, 1607002, 2024
After all, do findings from clinical physical activity interventions among breast cancer patients apply to all socioeconomic groups? A systematic review of representativeness
R Stalsberg, MD Darvik
Ung voksen med Ravmatoid Artritt. En kvalitativ studie om mestringsstrategier
MH Birkeland, AK Marsfjell, R Stalsberg
Septentrio Academic Publishing, 2011
The optimal care pathway?
RJ Reidunsdatter, B Brattheim, R Stalsberg, S Lundgren
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