Md Zohurul Kadir Roni, PhD
High-throughput molecular technologies for unraveling the mystery of soil microbial community: Challenges and future prospects
R Lahlali, DSS Ibrahim, Z Belabess, MZK Roni, N Radouane, ...
Heliyon 7 (10), 2021
Performance assessment of twenty tomato cultivar for summer cultivation in Bangladesh
H Mehraj, S Mutahera, MZK Roni, ASM Nahiyan, AFM Jamal Uddin
Journal of Science, Technology and Environment Informatics 1 (1), 45-53, 2014
An evaluation of some Japanese lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) varieties grown in Bangladesh
AFM Jamal Uddin, MS Islam, H Mehraj, MZK Roni, S Shahrin
The Agriculturist 11 (1), 56-60, 2013
Response of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) to salinity in hydroponic study
MAH Shimul, SIC Ito, S Sadia, MZK Roni, AFM Jamal Uddin
Bangladesh J. Sci. Res 10 (3), 249-254, 2014
Varietal study of Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum) as a cut flower in Bangladesh
MS Islam, H Mehraj, MZK Roni, S Shahrin, AFM Jamal Uddin
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences 37 (1), 103-107, 2013
Response of Eustoma Leaf Phenotype and Photosynthetic Performance to LED Light Quality
MZK Roni, MS Islam, K Shimasaki
Horticulturae 3 (4), 50, 2017
Influence of pinching on growth and yield of snowball Chrysanthemum
AF Ona, T Taufique, MZK Roni, NJ Jui, AFMJ Uddin
First issue: Volume 01 Issue 01, July-December 2013 Current Issue: Volume 03 …, 2015
Effect of Trichoderma concentrations on growth and yield of tomato
A Uddin, MS Hussain, S Rahman, H Ahmad, MZK Roni
Bangladesh Res. Publ. J 11, 228-232, 2015
Study on flowering characteristics and categorization of rose cultivars for color, fragrance and usage
S Shahrin, MZK Roni, T Taufique, H Mehraj, AFM Jamal Uddin
Journal of Bioscience and Agriculture Research 4 (01), 20-30, 2015
Tracing the role of sucrose in potato microtuber formation'in vitro'
MS Islam, MZK Roni, AFM Jamal Uddin, K Shimasaki
Plant omics 10 (1), 15-19, 2017
Vermicompost and mustard oil cake as an alternative fertilizer for strawberry production
MM Rahman, MN Islam, MZK Roni, O Gani, AFM Jamal Uddin
Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res 6 (3), 78-84, 2018
Response of repeated foliar application of boron-zinc on strawberry
H Mehraj, MS Hussain, S Parvin, MZK Roni, AFM Jamal Uddin
International Journal of Experimental Agriculture 5 (1), 21-24, 2015
Study on growth and flower yield of five snowball varieties
AF Ona, MZK Roni, H Ahmad, NJ Jui, A Uddin
Bangladesh Research Publication Journal 11 (3), 182-186, 2015
Effect of spraying frequency of gibberellic acid on growth and flowering in gerbera
H Mehraj, T Taufique, AF Ona, MZK Roni, AFM Jamal Uddin
Journal of Experimental Biosciences 4 (2), 7-10, 2013
Phsophorus levels on growth and yield of turnip (Brassica campestris var. rapifera)
AA Sadia, M Mahasen, S Shahrin, MZK Roni, A Jamal
Bangladesh Research Publications Journal 8 (1), 29-33, 2013
In vitro seed germination and tracking the seedling growth of eustoma
MZK Roni, MS Islam, K Shimasaki
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2017
Study on growth, flowering and seed production of eight nandini (Eustoma grandiflorum) varieties
AFMJ Uddin, MZK Roni, MS Islam, AF Ona, MS Sarker, K Shimasaki
International journal of business, social and scientific research 3 (1), 2015
A Review on UAV-Based Applications for Plant Disease Detection and Monitoring
L Kouadio, M El Jarroudi, Z Belabess, SE Laasli, MZK Roni, IDI Amine, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (17), 4273, 2023
Microbial quality assessment and efficacy of low-cost disinfectants on fresh fruits and vegetables collected from urban areas of Dhaka, Bangladesh
MM Rahman, MOK Azad, J Uddain, M Adnan, MC Ali, SKMJ Al-Mujahidy, ...
Foods 10 (6), 1325, 2021
Growth, yield and quality of SAU-Agni and SAU-Cayenne chilli variety
AFM Jamal Uddin, MS Hussain, SK Rahman, H Ahmad, MZK Roni
B angladesh R es. P ublications J 11 (3), 198-203, 2015
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