Claudio Geyer
Claudio Geyer
Professor, INF, UFRGS, Brasil
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Toward a general software infrastructure for ubiquitous computing
CA Da Costa, AC Yamin, CFR Geyer
IEEE Pervasive Computing 7 (1), 64-73, 2008
A load balancing scheme for massively multiplayer online games
CEB Bezerra, CFR Geyer
Multimedia Tools and Applications 45, 263-289, 2009
MRA++: Scheduling and data placement on MapReduce for heterogeneous environments
JCS Anjos, I Carrera, W Kolberg, AL Tibola, LB Arantes, CR Geyer
Future Generation Computer Systems 42, 22-35, 2015
Towards merging context-aware, mobile and grid computing
AC Yamin, JV Barbosa, I Augustin, LC Da Silva, R Real, C Geyer, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 17 (2 …, 2003
Mobile and ubiquitous computing in an innovative undergraduate course
J Barbosa, R Hahn, DNF Barbosa, CFR Geyer
Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science …, 2007
Arquitetura para um ambiente de grade computacional direcionado às aplicações distribuídas, móveis e conscientes do contexto da computação pervasiva
AC Yamin
A Middleware Architecture for Dynamic Adaptation in Ubiquitous Computing.
JL Lopes, RS de Souza, CFR Geyer, CA da Costa, JLV Barbosa, ...
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 20 (9), 1327-1351, 2014
ISAM, Joining Context-Awareness and Mobility to Building Pervasive Applications.
I Augustin, AC Yamin, JLV Barbosa, LC da Silva, RA Real, G Frainer, ...
Mobile computing handbook 1, 73-94, 2004
Mrsg–a mapreduce simulator over simgrid
W Kolberg, PB Marcos, JCS Anjos, AKS Miyazaki, CR Geyer, LB Arantes
Parallel Computing 39 (4-5), 233-244, 2013
Isam, a software architecture for adaptive and distributed mobile applications
L Augustin, AC Yarnin, JLV Barbosa, CFR Geyer
Proceedings ISCC 2002 Seventh International Symposium on Computers and …, 2002
Freemmg: A scalable and cheat-resistant distribution model for internet games
FR Cecin, R Real, R de Oliveira Jannone, CFR Geyer, MG Martins, ...
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time …, 2004
Dspbench: A suite of benchmark applications for distributed data stream processing systems
MV Bordin, D Griebler, G Mencagli, CFR Geyer, LGL Fernandes
IEEE Access 8, 222900-222917, 2020
An algorithm to minimize energy consumption and elapsed time for iot workloads in a hybrid architecture
JCS Dos Anjos, JLG Gross, KJ Matteussi, GV González, VRQ Leithardt, ...
Sensors 21 (9), 2914, 2021
OPERA: Or-parallel Prolog system on Supernode
J Briat, M Favre, C Geyer, JC de Kergommeaux
Implementations of Distributed Prolog, 45-64, 1992
GlobalEdu-an architecture to support learning in a Pervasive Computing Environment
DNF Barbosa, CFR Geyer, JLV Barbosa
IFIP International Working Conference on Computer-Aided Learning, 1-10, 2005
A3: A novel interest management algorithm for distributed simulations of mmogs
CE Bezerra, FR Cecin, CFR Geyer
2008 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and …, 2008
Learning in a large-scale pervasive environment
DNF Barbosa, I Augustin, JLV Barbosa, AC Yamim, LC Da Silva, ...
Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2006
PRISER: Managing notification in multiples devices with data privacy support
LA Silva, VRQ Leithardt, CO Rolim, GV González, CFR Geyer, JS Silva
Sensors 19 (14), 3098, 2019
Pervasive personal pedagogical agent: A mobile agent shall always be with the learner
DNF Barbosa, CFR Geyer
IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2005, 281-285, 2005
EXEHDA: adaptive middleware for building a pervasive grid environment
A Yamin, I Augustin, LC da Silva, RA Real, CF Geyer
Self-Organization and Autonomic Informatics (I), 203-219, 2005
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