Alexander Karran
A situation awareness perspective on human-AI interaction: Tensions and opportunities
J Jiang, AJ Karran, CK Coursaris, PM Léger, J Beringer
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (9), 1789-1806, 2023
Toward a hybrid passive BCI for the modulation of sustained attention using EEG and fNIRS
AJ Karran, T Demazure, PM Leger, E Labonte-LeMoyne, S Senecal, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13, 393, 2019
A framework for the forensic investigation of unstructured email relationship data
J Haggerty, AJ Karran, DJ Lamb, M Taylor
International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF) 3 (3), 1-18, 2011
Explainable Artificial intelligence (XAI): How the Visualization of AI Predictions Affects User Cognitive Load and Confidence
A Hudon, T Demazure, A Karran, PM Léger, S Sénécal
Proceeding of the NeuroIS Conference 2021, 1-10, 2021
Classification accuracy from the perspective of the user: real-time interaction with physiological computing
SH Fairclough, AJ Karran, K Gilleade
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Designing for confidence: The impact of visualizing artificial intelligence decisions
AJ Karran, T Demazure, A Hudon, S Senecal, PM Léger
Frontiers in neuroscience 16, 883385, 2022
A framework for psychophysiological classification within a cultural heritage context using interest
AJ Karran, SH Fairclough, K Gilleade
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 21 (6), 1-19, 2015
Enhancing sustained attention: A pilot study on the integration of a brain-computer interface with an enterprise information system
T Demazure, A Karran, PM Léger, E Labonte-LeMoyne, S Sénécal, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 63 (6), 653-668, 2021
Distributed remote EEG data collection for NeuroIS research: a methodological framework
T Demazure, AJ Karran, J Boasen, PM Léger, S Sénécal
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 3-22, 2021
High performance cognition: information-processing in complex skills, expert performance, and flow
BU Cowley, F Dehais, S Fairclough, AJ Karran, J Palomäki, O Lappi
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 579950, 2020
Is there collaboration specific neurophysiological activation during collaborative task activity? An analysis of brain responses using electroencephalography and hyperscanning
PM Léné, P., Karran, A. J., Labonté-Lemoyne, E., Sénécal, S., Fredette, M ...
Brain and Behaviour, 1-16, 2021
Wavelet Transform Coherence: An Innovative Method to Investigate Social Interaction in NeuroIS
P Léné, AJ Karran, E Labonté-Lemoyne, S Sénécal, M Fredette, ...
Information Systems and Neuroscience. Lecture Notes in Information Systems …, 2019
The drive to explore: physiological computing in a cultural heritage context
AJ Karran, U Kreplin
Advances in Physiological Computing, 169-195, 2014
Sustained attention in a monitoring task: Towards a neuroadaptative enterprise system interface
T Demazure, A Karran, É Labonté-LeMoyne, PM Léger, S Sénécal, ...
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2018, 125-132, 2019
Towards an adaptive cultural heritage experience using physiological computing
AJ Karran, SH Fairclough, K Gilleade
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1683-1688, 2013
The Influence of Task Types on User Experience after a Web Interface Update
T Dargen, A Karran, PM leger, CK Coursaris, S Sénécal
The Eighteenth Annual Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Research Workshop, 2019
A Situation Awareness Perspective on Human-Agent Collaboration: Tensions and Opportunities
J Jiang, A Karran, CK Coursaris, L Majorique-Pierre, J Beringer
A Social Network Discovery Model for Digital Forensics Investigations.
AJ Karran, J Haggerty, DJ Lamb, MJ Taylor, D Llewellyn-Jones
WDFIA, 160-170, 2011
Caption and Observation Based on the Algorithm for Triangulation (COBALT): Preliminary Results from a Beta Trial
PM Léger, AJ Karran, F Courtemanche, M Fredette, S Tazi, M Dupuis, ...
Fred D. Davis, René Riedl, Jan vom Brocke, Pierre-Majorique Léger, Adriane B …, 2022
A digital forensics analytical process model for the investigation, analysis and visualisation of social networks derived from e-mail
AJ Karran, D Llewellyn-Jones
Master’s thesis. Liverpool John Moores University, 2009
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