Eldar Khattatov
Eldar Khattatov
在 austin.utexas.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
A Lagrange multiplier method for a Stokes-Biot fluid-poroelastic structure interaction model
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, I Yotov, P Zunino
Numerische Mathematik, 2018, 2017
A multipoint stress mixed finite element method for elasticity on simplicial grids
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, JM Nordbotten, I Yotov
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58 (1), 630-656, 2020
Flow and transport in fractured poroelastic media
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, T Nguyen, I Yotov
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics 10, 1-34, 2019
A coupled multipoint stress–multipoint flux mixed finite element method for the Biot system of poroelasticity
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, I Yotov
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 372, 113407, 2020
A multipoint stress mixed finite element method for elasticity on quadrilateral grids
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, JM Nordbotten, I Yotov
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 37 (3), 1886-1915, 2021
Domain decomposition and multiscale mortar mixed finite element methods for linear elasticity with weak stress symmetry
E Khattatov, I Yotov
ESAIM: M2AN, 53 6 (2019) 2081-2108, 2019
Higher order multipoint flux mixed finite element methods on quadrilaterals and hexahedra
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, JJ Lee, I Yotov
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 29 (06), 1037-1077, 2019
Stochastic multiscale flux basis for Stokes-Darcy flows
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, CQ Wang, I Yotov
Journal of Computational Physics 401, 109011, 2020
Simulation of flow in fractured poroelastic media: a comparison of different discretization approaches
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, I Yotov, P Zunino
Finite Difference Methods, Theory and Applications: 6th International …, 2015
Domain decomposition and partitioning methods for mixed finite element discretizations of the Biot system of poroelasticity
M Jayadharan, E Khattatov, I Yotov
Computational Geosciences 25, 1919-1938, 2021
A mixed, unified forward/inverse framework for earthquake problems: fault implementation and coseismic slip estimate
S Puel, E Khattatov, U Villa, D Liu, O Ghattas, TW Becker
Geophysical Journal International 230 (2), 733-758, 2022
Mixed finite volume methods for linear elasticity
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, I Yotov
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII-Hyperbolic, Elliptic and …, 2017
A Lagrange multiplier method for flow in fractured poroelastic media
I Ambartsumyan, E Khattatov, I Yotov, P Zunino
FDM 2014: 3-1, 2015
Forward-Inverse Modeling of Earthquake Cycle Deformation
S Puel, T Becker, U Villa, O Ghattas, D Liu, E Khattatov
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, G25C-0382, 2021
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media Coupled with Geomechanics
MF Wheeler, I Yotov, B Ganis, G Pencheva, O Al Hinai, S Lee, B Min, ...
Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX (United States). Center for Subsurface Modeling …, 2019
Efficient Discretization Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods for Poroelasticity
E Khattatov
University of Pittsburgh, 2018
Mapping of Temperatures from Coarser to Finer Grid using Temporal Derivatives
I Ambartsumyan, C He, E Khattatov, S Kim, L Mrad
A Lagrange multiplier method for flow in fractured poroelastic media
E Khattatov, I Yotov, I Ambartsumyan, P Zunino
Young 1, 07, 0
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