Altaf Lone
Altaf Lone
University of Kashmir
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Meltwaters dominate groundwater recharge in cold arid desert of Upper Indus River Basin (UIRB), western Himalayas
SA Lone, G Jeelani, RD Deshpande, A Mukherjee, S Jasechko, A Lone
Science of the Total Environment 786, 147514, 2021
Groundwater resource protection and spring restoration in Upper Jhelum Basin (UJB), western Himalayas
G Jeelani, SA Lone, A Lone, RD Deshpande
Groundwater for Sustainable Development 15, 100685, 2021
Morphometric and Morphotectonic Analysis of Ferozpur Drainage Basin Left Bank Tributary of River Jhelum of Kashmir Valley, NW Himalayas, India
A Lone
J. Geogr. Nat. Disasters 7 (1000208), 1-1000208, 2017
Characterization of groundwater potential of Sindh watershed western Himalayas (J&K)
SA Lone, A Lone
International Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources 1 (3), 01-06, 2017
Morphotectonic and Morphometric analysis of Vishav Basin left bank Tributary of Jhelum River SW Kashmir Valley India
O Jaan, S Lone, R Malik, A Lone, M Wasim
International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, 17-26, 2017
Estimating the sources of stream water in snow dominated catchments of western Himalayas
A Lone, G Jeelani, RD Deshpande, V Padhya
Advances in Water Resources 155, 103995, 2021
Hydrochemical assessment (major ions and Hg) of meltwater in high altitude glacierized Himalayan catchment
A Lone, G Jeelani, RD Deshpande, S Kang, J Huang
Environmental monitoring and assessment 191, 1-19, 2019
Trace metal and radionuclide geochemistry of soils in western Himalaya: implication to ecological and radiological hazards
G Jeelani, W Hassan, M Saleem, SK Sahu, GG Pandit, A Lone
Environmental Earth Sciences 81 (7), 205, 2022
Impact of Indian summer monsoon in westerly dominated water resources of western Himalayas
A Lone, G Jeelani, RD Deshpande, V Padhya
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 58 (1), 18-43, 2022
Spatial and meteorological controls of stable water isotope dynamics of precipitation in Kashmir Valley, Western Himalaya, India
A Lone, G Jeelani, SA Lone, V Padhya, RD Deshpande, AP Dimri
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 59 (4-6), 454-475, 2023
Isotopes in precipitation and groundwater in the alluvial basin of Kashmir western Himalayas
SLA Lone
Quantifying the Moisture Source Dynamics in Western Himalaya: An Analysis of Precipitation Isotopes
G Jeelani, SA Lone, A Lone, V Padhya, RD Deshpande
Available at SSRN 4525323, 0
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