Abdullah Iqbal
Abdullah Iqbal
在 kent.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Impact of financial crisis on firms’ capital structure in UK, France, and Germany
A Iqbal, O Kume
Multinational Finance Journal 18 (3/4), 249-280, 2014
The effect of corporate governance on earnings management around UK rights issues
A Iqbal, N Strong
International Journal of Managerial Finance 6 (3), 168-189, 2010
Earnings management around UK open offers
A Iqbal, S Espenlaub, N Strong
The European Journal of Finance 15 (1), 29-51, 2009
Islamic financing and business framework: A survey
M Hanif, AM Iqbal
European Journal of Social Sciences 15 (4), 2010
The effect of group and family ownership on firm performance: Empirical evidence from Pakistan
F Abdullah, A Shah, R Gohar, AM Iqbal
International Review of Business Research Papers 7 (4), 191-208, 2011
Managerial mindsets toward corporate social responsibility: The case of auto industry in Iran
E Soltani, J Syed, YY Liao, A Iqbal
Journal of Business Ethics 129, 795-810, 2015
The importance of the sequence in UK rights issues
A Iqbal
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 35 (1‐2), 150-176, 2008
The role of financial constraints on precautionary cash holdings: evidence from Pakistan
AM Iqbal
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 30 (1), 596-610, 2017
An evaluation of Takaful insurance: case of Pakistan
M Hanif, A Iqbal
Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance 13 (1), 2014
Datastream returns and UK open offers
S Espenlaub, A Iqbal, N Strong
The European Journal of Finance 15 (1), 61-69, 2009
Saying it without words: A qualitative study of employee voice in the Iranian building sector
E Soltani, YY Liao, AK Gholami, A Iqbal
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (5), 1015-1055, 2018
On the ethicality of Islamic banks’ business model
W Jatmiko, A Iqbal, MS Ebrahim
British Journal of Management 35 (1), 115-136, 2024
The dynamics of workplace relationships in a diverse internationally staffed organisation: a qualitative ethnographic assessment
Y Ying Liao, E Soltani, WY Wang, A Iqbal
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (8), 1182-1211, 2017
The context of earnings management and its ability to predict future stock returns
NTM Nguyen, A Iqbal, RK Shiwakoti
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 59 (1), 123-169, 2022
Earnings management and privatisations: Evidence from Pakistan
AM Iqbal, I Khan, Z Ahmed
The Pakistan Development Review, 79-96, 2015
Teaching methods and assessment techniques used for the introductory level undergraduate finance course in British and Irish universities
AM Iqbal, MN Farooqi, KT Saunders
Journal of economics and finance education 5 (1), 47-61, 2006
Investors’ power and the dividend cost minimization model: Which one better explains the dividend policy in Pakistan
F Abdullah, A Shah, AM Iqbal, R Gohar
African Journal of Business Management 5 (26), 10747, 2011
Inside-out: Perception of key finance professionals about theory and practice of islamic banking
M Hanif, AM Iqbal
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (4), 2011
The long-run performance of UK rights issuers
A Iqbal, S Espenlaub, NC Strong
Frontiers in Finance and Economics 3 (2), 2006
Can trade credit rejuvenate Islamic banking?
W Jatmiko, MS Ebrahim, A Iqbal, RM Wojakowski
Review of quantitative finance and accounting 60 (1), 111-146, 2023
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