Honggang Chen (陈洪刚)
Honggang Chen (陈洪刚)
其他姓名Chen Honggang
Associate Research Fellow, Sichuan University
在 scu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Real-World Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review
H Chen, X He, L Qing, Y Wu, C Ren, RE Sherif, C Zhu
Information Fusion, 2022
Reconstruction of porous media from extremely limited information using conditional generative adversarial networks
J Feng, X He, Q Teng, C Ren, H Chen, Y Li
Physical Review E 100 (3), 033308, 2019
An end-to-end three-dimensional reconstruction framework of porous media from a single two-dimensional image based on deep learning
J Feng, Q Teng, B Li, X He, H Chen, Y Li
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 368, 113043, 2020
Super-resolution of real-world rock microcomputed tomography images using cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks
H Chen, X He, Q Teng, RE Sheriff, J Feng, S Xiong
Physical Review E 101 (2), 023305, 2020
DPW-SDNet: Dual pixel-wavelet domain deep CNNs for soft decoding of JPEG-compressed images
H Chen, X He, L Qing, S Xiong, TQ Nguyen
2018 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops …, 2018
Slice-to-voxel stochastic reconstructions on porous media with hybrid deep generative model
F Zhang, Q Teng, H Chen, X He, X Dong
Computational Materials Science 186, 110018, 2021
Single image super-resolution via adaptive transform-based nonlocal self-similarity modeling and learning-based gradient regularization
H Chen, X He, L Qing, Q Teng
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19 (8), 1702-1717, 2017
CISRDCNN: Super-resolution of compressed images using deep convolutional neural networks
H Chen, X He, C Ren, L Qing, Q Teng
Neurocomputing 285, 204-219, 2018
An Iterative Framework of Cascaded Deblocking and Super-Resolution for Compressed Images
T Li, X He, L Qing, Q Teng, H Chen
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (6), 1305-1320, 2018
Video super-resolution via residual learning
W Wang, C Ren, X He, H Chen, L Qing
IEEE Access 6, 23767-23777, 2018
Single image super resolution using local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity priors
H Chen, X He, Q Teng, C Ren
Signal Processing: Image Communication 43, 68-81, 2016
Fact-based visual question answering via dual-process system
L Liu, M Wang, X He, L Qing, H Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems 237, 107650, 2022
Dictionary optimization and constraint neighbor embedding-based dictionary mapping for superdimension reconstruction of porous media
Y Li, Q Teng, X He, C Ren, H Chen, J Feng
Physical Review E 99 (6), 062134, 2019
Deep Wide-Activated Residual Network-based Joint Blocking and Color Bleeding Artifacts Reduction for 4:2:0 JPEG-Compressed Images
H Chen, X He, C An, T Nguyen
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (1), 79-83, 2019
Single image super-resolution based on deep learning and gradient transformation
J Chen, X He, H Chen, Q Teng, L Qing
2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), 663-667, 2016
A Feature-Enriched Deep Convolutional Neural Network for JPEG Image Compression Artifacts Reduction and Its Applications
H Chen, X He, H Yang, L Qing, Q Teng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022
Weakly-supervised contrastive learning-based implicit degradation modeling for blind image super-resolution
Y Zhang, L Dong, H Yang, L Qing, X He, H Chen
Knowledge-Based Systems 249, 108984, 2022
Low bit rates image compression via adaptive block downsampling and super resolution
H Chen, X He, M Ma, L Qing, Q Teng
Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (1), 013004-013004, 2016
Multi-modal cross-attention network for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis with multi-modality data
J Zhang, X He, Y Liu, Q Cai, H Chen, L Qing
Computers in Biology and Medicine 162, 107050, 2023
Self-supervised cycle-consistent learning for scale-arbitrary real-world single image super-resolution
H Chen, X He, H Yang, Y Wu, L Qing, RE Sheriff
Expert Systems with Applications 212, 118657, 2023
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