Daniel Donoghue
Daniel Donoghue
在 durham.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Measuring forest structure with terrestrial laser scanning
PJ Watt, DNM Donoghue
International Journal of Remote Sensing 26 (7), 1437-1446, 2005
Remote sensing of species mixtures in conifer plantations using LiDAR height and intensity data
DNM Donoghue, PJ Watt, NJ Cox, J Wilson
Remote Sensing of Environment 110 (4), 509-522, 2007
Contextualizing early urbanization: Settlement cores, early states and agro-pastoral strategies in the Fertile Crescent during the fourth and third millennia BC
TJ Wilkinson, G Philip, J Bradbury, R Dunford, D Donoghue, N Galiatsatos, ...
Journal of World Prehistory 27, 43-109, 2014
CORONA satellite photography: an archaeological application from the Middle East
G Philip, D Donoghue, A Beck, N Galiatsatos
Antiquity 76 (291), 109-118, 2002
Evaluation of Corona and Ikonos high resolution satellite imagery for archaeological prospection in western Syria
A Beck, G Philip, M Abdulkarim, D Donoghue
antiquity 81 (311), 161-175, 2007
Remote sensing of upland conifer plantations using Landsat TM data: a case study from Galloway, south-west Scotland
CB Puhr, DNM Donoghue
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (4), 633-646, 2000
‘Looting marks’ in space-borne SAR imagery: Measuring rates of archaeological looting in Apamea (Syria) with TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight
D Tapete, F Cigna, DNM Donoghue
Remote Sensing of Environment 178, 42-58, 2016
Using LiDAR to compare forest height estimates from IKONOS and Landsat ETM+ data in Sitka spruce plantation forests
DNM Donoghue, PJ Watt
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (11), 2161-2175, 2006
High resolution elevation data derived from stereoscopic CORONA imagery with minimal ground control
N Galiatsatos, DNM Donoghue, G Philip
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 73 (9), 1093-1106, 2007
An assessment of global forest change datasets for national forest monitoring and reporting
N Galiatsatos, DNM Donoghue, P Watt, P Bholanath, J Pickering, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (11), 1790, 2020
Modelling tree size diversity from airborne laser scanning using canopy height models with image texture measures
I Ozdemir, DNM Donoghue
Forest Ecology and Management 295, 28-37, 2013
Beneath the sand—remote sensing, archaeology, aggregates and sustainability: a case study from Heslerton, the Vale of Pickering, North Yorkshire, UK
D Powlesland, J Lyall, G Hopkinson, D Donoghue, M Beck, A Harte, ...
Archaeological Prospection 13 (4), 291-299, 2006
Mapping and monitoring the intertidal zone of the east coast of England using remote sensing techniques and a coastal monitoring GIS
DNM Donoghue, DCR Thomas, Y Zong
Marine Technology Society Journal, 1994
Improving above ground biomass estimates of Southern Africa dryland forests by combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery
RM David, NJ Rosser, DNM Donoghue
Remote Sensing of Environment 282, 113232, 2022
Intercomparison of evapotranspiration over the Savannah Volta Basin in West Africa using remote sensing data
S Opoku-Duah, DNM Donoghue, TP Burt
Sensors 8 (4), 2736-2761, 2008
Estimating recharge distribution using remote sensing: a case study from the West Bank
A Khalaf, D Donoghue
Journal of Hydrology 414, 354-363, 2012
Enhancing the record through remote sensing: the application and integration of multi-sensor, non-invasive remote sensing techniques for the enhancement of the Sites and …
D Powlesland, J Lyall, D Donoghue
Internet Archaeology 2 (1), 1997
Development of an integrated geographical information system prototype for coastal habitat monitoring
DNM Donoghue, N Mironnet
Computers & Geosciences 28 (1), 129-141, 2002
Spectral filtering as a method of visualising and removing striped artefacts in digital elevation data
K Arrell, S Wise, J Wood, D Donoghue
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
Remote sensing: environmental change
DNM Donoghue
Progress in Physical Geography 26 (1), 144-151, 2002
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