Vule Mizdrakovic
Vule Mizdrakovic
Associate professor at Singidunum University
在 singidunum.ac.rs 的电子邮件经过验证
Analiza finansijskih izveštaja
G Knežević, N Stanišić, V Mizdraković
Univerzitet Singidunum 1, 299, 2013
Corporate bankruptcy prediction in the Republic of Serbia
N Stanisic, V Mizdrakovic, G Knezevic
Industrija 41 (4), 145-159, 2013
The characteristics of forensic audit and differences in relation to external audit
V Knežević, Goranka, Vukadinović, Predrag, Mizdraković
FINIZ 2015-Contemporary Financial Management, 202-205, 2015
Exploratory Research of Activity-Based Costing Method Implementation in Serbia
V Mizdrakovic, G Knežević
Ekonomska istraživanja 23 (3), 68-81, 2010
Triple-Entry Bookkeeping: History and Benefits of the Concept
V Gröblacher, Marlene, Mizdraković
FINIZ 2019-Digitization and Smart Financial Reporting, 58-61, 2019
Management as Cause and Instrument of Creative Accounting Suppression
G Knežević, V Mizdraković, N Arežina
Management – časopis za teoriju i praksu menadžmenta 17 (62), 5-11, 2012
Bankruptcy risk exposure of Serbian hotels in the period 2008-2012
V Mizdrakovic, G Knezevic, N Stanic
Sitcon 2015-International Conference in Tourism, Singidunum University, Belgrade, 2015
Internal audit in the COVID-19 environment: Key aspects and perspectives of remote auditing
V Mizdraković, M Kljajić, B Hadrović Zekić
The European Journal of Applied Economics 19 (1), 30-41, 2022
Analysis of Auditors Reports and Bankruptcy Risk in Banking Sector in the Republic of Serbia
M Stanisic, D Stefanovic, N Arezina, V Mizdrakovic
Amfiteatru Economic 15 (34), pp. 431-441, 2013
Capital efficiency analysis of Serbian companies
N Stanišić, T Radojević, V Mizdraković, N Stanić
Singidunum Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (2), 2012
Creative accounting: from creativity to misuse
D Mirdala, Rajmund, Mizdraković, Vule, Arežina, Nada, Stefanović
FINIZ 2014-The Role of Financial Reporting in Corporate Governance, 5-7, 2014
Internal Auditing in Covid-19 Environment: is Remote Auditing a Solution?
B Mizdraković, Vule, Kljajić, Maja, Hadrović Zekić
FINIZ 2021-Are you Ready for the ContinuousNEXT® after Covid-19?, 3-7, 2021
Measuring competitiveness in the meat industry market: Are there any oligopolies in Serbia?
V Mitic, N Kilibarda, I Brdar, M Kostic, D Sarcevic, N Karabasil, ...
Scientific journal" Meat Technology" 59 (2), 127-136, 2018
Analysis of audit report lag on Serbian stock exchange
G Avlijaš
Finiz 2018-The Role of Financial and Non-financial Reporting in Responsible …, 2018
Analysing the link between csr reporting and financial performance variables of Belgrade stock exchange companies.
M Mijoković, G Knežević, V Mizdraković
TEME: Casopis za Društvene Nauke 44 (4), 2020
Predictive ability of the Business Excellence model: the case of foreign investors in Serbia from 2008 to 2012
G Knezevic, N Stanisic, V Mizdrakovic
Teme 38 (4), 1475-1488, 2014
Mark to Market Accounting as a Magnifier of Financial Crises
N Stanisic, S Avric, M Mizdrakovic V. & Djenic
In: Mirdala, R. Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy, pp …, 2013
Koncept oznake geografskog porekla hrane u funkciji promocije kulturnog turizma
N Kilibarda, V Mizdraković, I Brdar
Zbornik radova-Posebni aspekti razvoja kulturnog turizma, SITCON, 229-235, 2018
Profesionalne prevare kao pretnja funkcionisanju privrednih društava
N Arežina, V Mizdraković, G Knežević
FINIZ-Rizici u savremenim uslovima poslovanja, 209-213, 2016
Auditor switching and qualified audit opinion: evidence from Serbia
N Stanišić, Z Petrović, K Vićentijević, V Mizdraković
Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference-Sinteza 2014, 552-558, 2014
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