PROFESSEUR science biologique; centre. UNIVERSITair NAAMA Algerie
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Antimicrobial Activity of Ammodaucus leucotrichus Fruit Oil from Algerian Sahara
IA El-Haci, C Bekhechi, F Atik-Bekkara, W Mazari, M Gherib, A Bighelli, ...
Natural product communications 9 (5), 1934578X1400900533, 2014
Ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal analysis of wild medicinal plants traditionally used in Naâma, southwest Algeria
M Bouafia, F Amamou, M Gherib, M Benaissa, R Azzi, S Nemmiche
Vegetos 34, 654-662, 2021
Phenolics content and antioxidant activity of some organic extracts of endemic medicinal plant Anabasis aretioides Coss. & Moq. from Algerian Sahara
IA El-Haci, FA Bekkara, W Mazari, M Gherib
Pharmacognosy Journal 5 (3), 108-112, 2013
Teneurs en polyphénols et pouvoir antioxydant d’une plante médicinale endémique du Sahara algérien
IA El-Haci, F Atik-Bekkara, A Didi, M Gherib, MA Didi
Phytothérapie 5 (10), 280-285, 2012
Thymyl esters derivatives and a new natural product modhephanone from Pulicaria mauritanica Coss. (Asteraceae) root oil
T Xu, M Gherib, C Bekhechi, F Atik‐Bekkara, H Casabianca, F Tomi, ...
Flavour and Fragrance Journal 30 (1), 83-90, 2015
Efficacy of preemptive dexamethasone added to bupivacaine in ultrasound guided transversus abdominus plain block for postoperative analgesia after inguinal herniorraphy
HA Fouad, A Mohammed, S Ahmed, Y Mohammed, M Osman, ...
Am J Res Commun 4 (5), 27-42, 2016
In vitro antioxidant activity and total phenolic contents in methanol crude extracts from the Algerian medicinal plant Limoniastrum feei
IA El-Haci, A Didi, FA Bekkara, M Gherib
Sci Study Res 10, 329-336, 2009
Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of aerial part essential oil and some organic extracts from the Algerian medicinal plant Pulicaria mauritanica coss
M Gherib, B Chahrazed, IA El-Haci, TM Chaouche, FA Bekkara
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 7 (1), 76, 2016
Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil from Aerial Parts of Algerian Pulicaria Mauritanica
M Gherib, C Bekhechi, FA Bekkara, A Bighelli, J Casanova, F Tomi
Natural product communications 11 (1), 1934578X1601100132, 2016
Etude des activités antimicrobienne et antioxydante des huiles essentielle et des flavonoides d'Artemisia herba alba Asso; Artemisia judaica L. ssp. sahariensis
M Gherib
Artemisia campestris L; Herniaria mauritanica Murb, 71-72, 2009
Ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal analysis of wild medicinal plants traditionally used in Naâma, southwest Algeria. Vegetos 34: 654–662
M Bouafia, F Amamou, M Gherib, M Benaissa, R Azzi, S Nemmiche
Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of a medicinal plant endemic to the Algerian Sahara
IA El-Haci, F Atik-Bekkara, A Didi, M Gherib, MA Didi
Phytothérapie 10, 280-285, 2012
Inhibitory effect of essential oils from Pulicaria mauritanica and Micromeria debilis on growth of Alternaria spp., the causal agent of tomato early blight.
M Yakoubi, N Hamini-Kadar, M Gherib, A Amrouche, W Yezli, ...
Environmental & Experimental Biology 17 (4), 2019
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from aerial parts of Micromeria debilis Pomel from Algeria
M Gherib, C Bekhechi, M Paoli, F Atik Bekkara, A Bighelli, J Casanova, ...
Journal of EssEntial oil rEsEarch 28 (5), 383-390, 2016
Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil from Algerian Warionia saharae Benth. & Hook.
M Gherib, F Atik Bekkara, C Bekhechi, A Bighelli, J Casanova, F Tomi
Journal of Essential Oil Research 26 (5), 385-391, 2014
In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Contents in Methanol Crude Extrat from The Algerian Medicinal Plan Limoniastrum Feei
IAE Haci, A Didi, FA Bekkara, M Gherib
Scientific Study and Reaserch 10 (4), 329-336, 2009
Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Teucrium luteum subsp. flavovirens essential oil from Northwestern Algeria
M Gherib, B Gordo, M Ziane, OB Braik, M Bouafia, K Chami, S Fillali, ...
Vegetos 36 (2), 534-541, 2023
Essential oil from aerial parts of Rhetinolepis lonadioides (coss.): extraction, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity
M Missoum, M Gherib, M Ziane, BO Ben, M Yousfi
Plant Archives, 2021
Approche ethnobotanique descriptive de la flore médicinale en milieu désertique «Cas des oasis du Gourara, de Tidikelt et de Touat» région d’Adrar, Algérie
A Amrouche, C Bessenouci, M Gherib, K Fellah, H Malainine, ...
Phytothérapie 17 (6), 334, 2019
Redécouverte de Crepis arenaria (Pomel) Pomel subsp. arenaria (Asteraceae) en Algérie (Monts des Ksour, Aïn Sefra)
B Gordo, S Hadjadj-Aoul, M Gherib
Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 2021
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