Stephan Thomsen
Stephan Thomsen
在 wipol.uni-hannover.de 的电子邮件经过验证
The employment effects of job-creation schemes in Germany: A microeconometric evaluation
M Caliendo, R Hujer, SL Thomsen
Modelling and evaluating treatment effects in econometrics 21, 381-428, 2008
New evidence on the effects of job creation schemes in Germany—a matching approach with threefold heterogeneity
R Hujer, M Caliendo, SL Thomsen
Research in Economics 58 (4), 257-302, 2004
Intensifying the use of benefit sanctions: an effective tool to increase employment?
B Boockmann, S L. Thomsen, T Walter
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 3, 1-19, 2014
The effects of vocational training programmes on the duration of unemployment in Eastern Germany
R Hujer, SL Thomsen, C Zeiss
Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 90, 299-321, 2006
Language usage, participation, employment and earnings: Evidence for foreigners in West Germany with multiple sources of selection
A Aldashev, J Gernandt, SL Thomsen
Labour Economics 16 (3), 330-341, 2009
The immigrant-native wage gap in Germany
A Aldashev, J Gernandt, SL Thomsen
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 232 (5), 490-517, 2012
Are we spending too many years in school? Causal evidence of the impact of shortening secondary school duration
B Büttner, SL Thomsen
German Economic Review 16 (1), 65-86, 2015
Noncognitive skills in economics: Models, measurement, and empirical evidence
H Thiel, SL Thomsen
Research in economics 67 (2), 189-214, 2013
The effects of short-term training measures on the individual unemployment duration in West Germany
R Hujer, SL Thomsen, C Zeiss
ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper, 2006
Identifying effect heterogeneity to improve the efficiency of job creation schemes in Germany
M Caliendo, R Hujer, SL Thomsen
Applied Economics 40 (9), 1101-1122, 2008
Evaluation der Eingliederungseffekte von Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen in reguläre Beschäftigung für Teilnehmer in Deutschland
M Caliendo, R Hujer, SL Thomsen
Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung-Journal for Labour Market Research 37 …, 2004
The benefits of adult learning: Work-related training, social capital, and earnings
J Ruhose, SL Thomsen, I Weilage
Economics of Education Review 72, 166-186, 2019
Heterogeneous returns to personality: the role of occupational choice
K John, SL Thomsen
Empirical Economics 47, 553-592, 2014
How do the employment effects of job creation schemes differ with respect to the foregoing unemployment duration?
R Hujer, SL Thomsen
Labour Economics 17 (1), 38-51, 2010
Sectoral heterogeneity in the employment effects of job creation schemes in Germany
M Caliendo, R Hujer, SL Thomsen
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 226 (2), 139-179, 2006
Explaining the employability gap of short‐term and long‐term unemployed persons
SL Thomsen
Kyklos 62 (3), 448-478, 2009
Variation of learning intensity in late adolescence and the effect on personality traits
H Thiel, SL Thomsen, B Büttner
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society …, 2014
How important is secondary school duration for postsecondary education decisions? Evidence from a natural experiment
T Meyer, SL Thomsen
Journal of Human Capital 10 (1), 67-108, 2016
Crowding out informal care? Evidence from a field experiment in Germany
M Arntz, SL Thomsen
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 73 (3), 398-427, 2011
Short-term training programs for immigrants in the German welfare system: do effects differ from natives and why?
SL Thomsen, T Walter, A Aldashev
IZA Journal of Migration 2, 1-20, 2013
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