Adrien Pajon
Adrien Pajon
PostDoc, CIRRIS, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada
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Walking on Gravel with Soft Soles using Linear Inverted Pendulum Tracking and Reaction Force Distribution
Adrien Pajon, Stéphane Caron, Giovanni De Magistris, Sylvain Miossec ...
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01576516, 2017
Safe 3D Bipedal Walking through Linear MPC with 3D Capturability
A Pajon, PB Wieber
ICRA 2019, 2019
Humanoid walking with compliant soles using a deformation estimator
G De Magistris, A Pajon, S Miossec, A Kheddar
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1757-1762, 2016
Optimized humanoid walking with soft soles
G De Magistris, A Pajon, S Miossec, A Kheddar
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 95, 52-63, 2017
A humanoid walking pattern generator for sole design optimization
A Pajon, G De Magistris, S Miossec, K Kaneko, A Kheddar
2015 International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 105-110, 2015
Preliminary experimental method to quantify vibrations with various powered wheelchair set-ups
A Pajon, ML Bazinet, J Leblond, F Routhier
The Effect of Vertical Motions on the Balance Recovery Prediction for Standing Humans through Linear MPC
T Bentaleb, A Pajon, T Robert, PB Wieber
National Days of Humanoid Robotics Research, 2020
Optimized humanoid walking with compliant soles
G De Magistris, A Pajon, S Miossec, A Kheddar
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS), 0
MOvIT+: {Pre}-validation of monitoring the usage of powered wheelchairs with the MOvIT+ platform
F ajon, Adrien and Bazinet, Marie-Laurence and Auger, Claudine and ...
EPIC conference 2021, 2021
Méthode d'évaluation de l'impact des perturbations du sol sur les utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant motorisé
F Pajon, Adrien and Bazinet, Marie-Laurence and Leblond, Jean and Routhier
Journées de la recherche FMED 2021, 2021
Assessment method of ground perturbations impact on powered wheelchair users
F Pajon, Adrien and Bazinet, Marie-Laurence and Leblond, Jean and Routhier
Journée Scientifique REPAR-INTER 2021, 2021
Preliminary results to define a method to quantify the influence on powered wheelchairs settings against ground perturbations.
A Pajon, F Routhier
Journée Scientifique REPAR-INTER 2020, 56, 2020
Marche des robots humanoïdes avec des semelles souples
A Pajon
Université Montpellier, 2017
Humanoid robots walking with soft soles
A Pajon
Montpellier, 2017
Humanoid Robots Walking with Soft Soles.(Marche des robots humanoïdes avec des semelles souples).
A Pajon
University of Montpellier, France, 2017
Adaptation of walking ground reaction forces to changes in ground stiffness properties
A Pajon, E Chiovetto, C Monaghan, M Giese, A Kheddar
2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2016
Experimental comparison of vibrations from doorstep threshold perturbations on powered wheelchair users.
A Pajon, J Leblond, F Routhier
RESNA Annual Conference-2021
A Pajon, ML Bazinet, J Leblond, F Routhier
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