Philip A. Schneider
Philip A. Schneider
在 ipp.mpg.de 的电子邮件经过验证
DEMO divertor limitations during and in between ELMs
RP Wenninger, M Bernert, T Eich, E Fable, G Federici, A Kallenbach, ...
Nuclear Fusion 54 (11), 114003, 2014
The effect of a metal wall on confinement in JET and ASDEX Upgrade
MNA Beurskens, J Schweinzer, C Angioni, A Burckhart, CD Challis, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55 (12), 124043, 2013
Overview on plasma operation with a full tungsten wall in ASDEX Upgrade
R Neu, A Kallenbach, M Balden, V Bobkov, JW Coenen, R Drube, R Dux, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S34-S41, 2013
2D electron cyclotron emission imaging at ASDEX Upgrade
IGJ Classen, JE Boom, W Suttrop, E Schmid, B Tobias, CW Domier, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (10), 2010
Confinement of ‘improved H-modes’ in the all-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade with nitrogen seeding
J Schweinzer, ACC Sips, G Tardini, PA Schneider, R Fischer, JC Fuchs, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (11), 113003, 2011
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
A Kallenbach, ASDEX Upgrade Team, EUROfusion MST1 Team
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102015, 2017
H-mode pedestal scaling in DIII-D, ASDEX Upgrade, and JET
MNA Beurskens, TH Osborne, PA Schneider, E Wolfrum, L Frassinetti, ...
Physics of Plasmas 18 (5), 2011
Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation
J Mailloux, N Abid, K Abraham, P Abreu, O Adabonyan, P Adrich, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042026, 2022
Overview of the TCV tokamak program: scientific progress and facility upgrades
S Coda, J Ahn, R Albanese, S Alberti, E Alessi, S Allan, H Anand, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102011, 2017
Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution a
H Meyer, T Eich, M Beurskens, S Coda, A Hakola, P Martin, J Adamek, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102014, 2017
High-density H-mode operation by pellet injection and ELM mitigation with the new active in-vessel saddle coils in ASDEX Upgrade
PT Lang, W Suttrop, E Belonohy, M Bernert, RM Mc Dermott, R Fischer, ...
Nuclear Fusion 52 (2), 023017, 2012
Explaining the isotope effect on heat transport in L-mode with the collisional electron-ion energy exchange
PA Schneider, A Bustos, P Hennequin, F Ryter, M Bernert, M Cavedon, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (6), 066003, 2017
Progress in modelling fast-ion D-alpha spectra and neutral particle analyzer fluxes using FIDASIM
B Geiger, L Stagner, WW Heidbrink, R Dux, R Fischer, Y Fujiwara, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 62 (10), 105008, 2020
Physics and applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research
YO Kazakov, J Ongena, JC Wright, SJ Wukitch, V Bobkov, J Garcia, ...
Physics of Plasmas 28 (2), 2021
Differences in the H-mode pedestal width of temperature and density
PA Schneider, E Wolfrum, RJ Groebner, TH Osborne, MNA Beurskens, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54 (10), 105009, 2012
Fast-ion transport and neutral beam current drive in ASDEX upgrade
B Geiger, M Weiland, AS Jacobsen, D Rittich, R Dux, R Fischer, C Hopf, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (8), 083001, 2015
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results
U Stroth, J Adamek, L Aho-Mantila, S Äkäslompolo, C Amdor, C Angioni, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104003, 2013
Integrated modeling of ASDEX Upgrade plasmas combining core, pedestal and scrape-off layer physics
T Luda, C Angioni, MG Dunne, E Fable, A Kallenbach, N Bonanomi, ...
Nuclear Fusion 60 (3), 036023, 2020
Identification of a novel actin-dependent signal transducing module allows for the targeted degradation of GLI1
P Schneider, J Miguel Bayo-Fina, R Singh, P Kumar Dhanyamraju, P Holz, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8023, 2015
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade
H Meyer, C Angioni, CG Albert, N Arden, RA Parra, O Asunta, M De Baar, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112014, 2019
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