Charlotte Lennox
Charlotte Lennox
在 manchester.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
The significance of protective factors in the assessment of risk
CE Rennie, MC Dolan
Criminal behaviour and mental health 20 (1), 8-22, 2010
The Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth as a predictor of recidivism in a United Kingdom cohort of adolescent offenders with conduct disorder.
MC Dolan, CE Rennie
Psychological Assessment 20 (1), 35, 2008
Using realist review to inform intervention development: methodological illustration and conceptual platform for collaborative care in offender mental health
M Pearson, SL Brand, C Quinn, J Shaw, M Maguire, S Michie, S Briscoe, ...
Implementation Science 10, 1-12, 2015
Psychopathy checklist: Youth version and youth psychopathic trait inventory: A comparison study
M Dolan, C Rennie
Personality and Individual Differences 41 (4), 779-789, 2006
Cool and hot executive function in conduct-disordered adolescents with and without co-morbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: relationships with externalizing behaviours
M Dolan, C Lennox
Psychological medicine 43 (11), 2427-2436, 2013
The relationship between psychopathic traits measured by the Youth Psychopathic trait Inventory and psychopathology in a UK sample of conduct disordered boys
MC Dolan, CE Rennie
Journal of adolescence 30 (4), 601-611, 2007
Traumatic brain injury in juvenile offenders: findings from the comprehensive health assessment tool study and the development of a specialist linkworker service
P Chitsabesan, C Lennox, H Williams, O Tariq, J Shaw
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 30 (2), 106-115, 2015
Language impairment and comorbid vulnerabilities among young people in custody
N Hughes, P Chitsabesan, K Bryan, R Borschmann, N Swain, C Lennox, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58 (10), 1106-1113, 2017
Predictive validity of the youth level of service/case management inventory in custody sample in England
C Rennie, M Dolan
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 21 (3), 407-425, 2010
Reliability and validity of the psychopathy checklist: Youth version in a UK sample of conduct disordered boys
MC Dolan, CE Rennie
Personality and Individual Differences 40 (1), 65-75, 2006
The management of released prisoners with severe and enduring mental illness
C Lennox, J Senior, C King, L Hassan, R Clayton, G Thornicroft, J Shaw
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 23 (1), 67-75, 2012
Is juvenile psychopathy associated with low anxiety and fear in conduct-disordered male offenders?
MC Dolan, CE Rennie
Journal of anxiety disorders 21 (8), 1028-1038, 2007
Building programme theory to develop more adaptable and scalable complex interventions: realist formative process evaluation prior to full trial
SL Brand, C Quinn, M Pearson, C Lennox, C Owens, T Kirkpatrick, ...
Evaluation 25 (2), 149-170, 2019
The development of the comprehensive health assessment tool for young offenders within the secure estate
P Chitsabesan, C Lennox, L Theodosiou, H Law, S Bailey, J Shaw
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 25 (1), 1-25, 2014
Critical time Intervention for Severely mentally ill Prisoners (CrISP): a randomised controlled trial
J Shaw, S Conover, D Herman, M Jarrett, M Leese, P McCrone, C Murphy, ...
Reliability, validity, and factor structure of the Swedish Youth Psychopathic Trait Inventory in a UK sample of conduct disordered boys
MC Dolan, CE Rennie
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 17 (2), 217-229, 2006
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of diversion and aftercare programmes for offenders using class A drugs: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
KP Hayhurst, M Leitner, L Davies, R Flentje, T Millar, A Jones, C King, ...
Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England) 19 (6), 1-168, vii, 2015
The effectiveness of an enhanced thinking skills programme in offenders with antisocial personality traits
M Doyle, T Khanna, C Lennox, J Shaw, A Hayes, J Taylor, A Roberts, ...
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 24 (1), 1-15, 2013
The health needs of young people in prison
C Lennox
Br Med Bull 112 (1), 17-25, 2014
Temperament and character and psychopathy in male conduct disordered offenders
C Lennox, M Dolan
Psychiatry research 215 (3), 706-710, 2014
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