Thiago Veiga Jardim
Thiago Veiga Jardim
Professor de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Goiás
在 bwh.harvard.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Diretrizes brasileiras de hipertensão arterial–2020
WKS Barroso, CIS Rodrigues, LA Bortolotto, MA Mota-Gomes, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 116, 516-658, 2021
Brazilian guidelines of hypertension–2020
WKS Barroso, CIS Rodrigues, LA Bortolotto, MA Mota-Gomes, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 116, 516-658, 2021
Atualização da diretriz de prevenção cardiovascular da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia-2019
DB Précoma, GMM Oliveira, AF Simão, OP Dutra, OR Coelho, MCO Izar, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 113, 787-891, 2019
Updated cardiovascular prevention guideline of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology-2019
DB Precoma, GMM Oliveira, AF Simao, OP Dutra, OR Coelho, MCO Izar, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 113, 787-891, 2019
Cost-effectiveness of financial incentives and disincentives for improving food purchases and health through the US Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): A …
D Mozaffarian, J Liu, S Sy, Y Huang, C Rehm, Y Lee, P Wilde, ...
PLoS medicine 15 (10), e1002661, 2018
Cost-effectiveness of financial incentives for improving diet and health through Medicare and Medicaid: A microsimulation study
Y Lee, D Mozaffarian, S Sy, Y Huang, J Liu, PE Wilde, ...
PLoS medicine 16 (3), e1002761, 2019
Cardiometabolic disease costs associated with suboptimal diet in the United States: A cost analysis based on a microsimulation model
TV Jardim, D Mozaffarian, S Abrahams-Gessel, S Sy, Y Lee, J Liu, ...
PLoS medicine 16 (12), e1002981, 2019
Diretrizes brasileiras de antiagregantes plaquetários e anticoagulantes em cardiologia
AM Lorga Filho, AD Azmus, AM Soeiro, AS Quadros, A Avezum Junior, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 101, 01-95, 2013
Cost-effectiveness of a US national sugar-sweetened beverage tax with a multistakeholder approach: who pays and who benefits
P Wilde, Y Huang, S Sy, S Abrahams-Gessel, TV Jardim, R Paarlberg, ...
American journal of public health 109 (2), 276-284, 2019
Music therapy effects on the quality of life and the blood pressure of hypertensive patients
CRO Zanini, PCBV Jardim, CM Salgado, MC Nunes, FL Urzêda, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 93, 534-540, 2009
Excesso de peso e fatores associados em adolescentes de uma capital brasileira
CS Carneiro, MRG Peixoto, KL Mendonça, TIR Póvoa, FMN Nascente, ...
Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 20, 260-273, 2017
El efecto de la musicoterapia en la calidad de vida y en la presión arterial del paciente hipertenso
CRO Zanini, PCBV Jardim, CM Salgado, MC Nunes, FL Urzêda, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 93, 534-540, 2009
Awareness, treatment, and control of dyslipidemia in rural South Africa: The HAALSI (Health and Aging in Africa: A Longitudinal Study of an INDEPTH Community in South Africa) study
S Reiger, TV Jardim, S Abrahams-Gessel, NJ Crowther, A Wade, ...
PloS one 12 (10), e0187347, 2017
Acute effects of different resistance training loads on cardiac autonomic modulation in hypertensive postmenopausal women
AF Vale, JA Carneiro, PCV Jardim, TV Jardim, J Steele, JP Fisher, ...
Journal of translational medicine 16, 1-9, 2018
7th Brazilian Guideline of Arterial Hypertension: Chapter 3 - Clinical and Complementary Assessment
MVB Malachias, RMS Póvoa, AR Nogueira, D Souza, LS Costa, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 107, 14-17, 2016
Smoking, alcohol consumption and mental health: Data from the Brazilian study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA)
VR Ferreira, TV Jardim, ALL Sousa, BMC Rosa, PCV Jardim
Addictive behaviors reports 9, 100147, 2019
Sedentary lifestyle and its associated factors among adolescents from public and private schools of a Brazilian state capital
FMN Nascente, TV Jardim, MRG Peixoto, CS Carneiro, KL Mendonça, ...
BMC public health 16, 1-8, 2016
Is waist-to-height ratio the best predictive indicator of hypertension incidence? A cohort study
AC Rezende, LG Souza, TV Jardim, NB Perillo, YCL Araújo, SG de Souza, ...
BMC Public Health 18, 1-11, 2018
Correlation of insulin resistance with anthropometric measures and blood pressure in adolescents
PRS Morais, ALL Sousa, TSV Jardim, FMN Nascente, KL Mendonça, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 106, 319-326, 2016
Capítulo 1-Conceituação, epidemiologia e prevenção primária
MVB MALACHIAS, W Souza, FL Plavnik, CIS Rodrigues, AA Brandão, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso), 2016
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