Jae-Pil Ha
Jae-Pil Ha
在 gnu.ac.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Sport for development programs for girls and women: A global assessment
M Hancock, A Lyras, JP Ha
Journal of Sport for Development 1 (1), 15-24, 2013
A mixed method approach to exploring the motives of sport-related mobile applications among college students
SJ Kang, JP Ha, M Hambrick
Journal of Sport Management 29 (3), 272-290, 2015
Organizational justice–affective commitment relationship in a team sport setting: The moderating effect of group cohesion
JP Ha, J Ha
Journal of Management & Organization 21 (1), 107-124, 2015
From Development of Sport to Development through Sport: A Paradigm Shift for Sport Development in South Korea
JP Ha, K Lee, G Ok
The international journal of the history of sport 32 (10), 1262-1278, 2015
Sport fans in a “smart sport”(SS) age: Drivers of smartphone use for sport consumption
JP Ha, SJ Kang, Y Kim
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 18 (3), 281-297, 2017
Antecedents and outcomes of social innovation: A global study of sport for development and peace organizations
PG Svensson, FO Andersson, TQ Mahoney, JP Ha
Sport Management Review 23 (4), 657-670, 2020
Sport for refugee youth in a new society: The role of acculturation in sport for development and peace programming
JP Ha, A Lyras
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and …, 2013
A conceptual framework for adoption of smartphones and mobile apps in a sport context
JP Ha, SJ Kang, J Ha
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 16 (3), 161-178, 2015
Examining the influence of shared leadership and organizational capacity on performance and innovative work behavior in sport for development and peace
PG Svensson, S Kang, JP Ha
Journal of Sport Management 33 (6), 546-559, 2019
The Impact of Burnout on Work Outcomes among South Korean Physical Education Teachers
JP Ha, KM King, DJ Naeger
Journal of Sport Behavior 34 (4), 343-357, 2011
Development and validation of a measure of sport fans’ specific curiosity
SH Park, JP Ha, D Mahony
Journal of Sport Management 28 (6), 621-632, 2014
The impact of acculturation and ethnic identity on American football identification and consumption among Asians in the United States.
JP Ha, MA Hums, TC Greenwell
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 15 (2), 125-142, 2014
Online sport consumption motives: Why does an ethnic minority group consume sports in a native and host country through the Internet?
JP Ha, HJH Ha JaeHyun, KS Han
Dual role of physical education teacher-athletic directors in the Korean secondary school
JP Ha, MA Hums, C Greenwell
The Physical Educator 68 (4), 221-231, 2011
프로야구 구단의 마케팅 믹스요인이 관람만족, 팀 충성도 및 재관람 의도에 미치는 영향
한근수, 하재필, 하제현
한국사회체육학회지 47, 199-211, 2011
Psychometric properties of a prediabetes instrument to assess perceived susceptibility and perceived severity in Appalachians
LJ Della, KM King, JP Ha
Journal of Nursing Measurement 21 (2), 210-223, 2013
Using cultural factors to explore sport consumption behaviors of ethnic minority groups: The case of Asians in the United States
JP Ha, M Hums, TC Greenwell
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 17 (2), 130-152, 2016
Quality of a mobile sport website: Development and psychometric evaluation of a scale
JP Ha, JJ Chung, CH Lim
South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and …, 2017
스포츠를 통한 이주민의 문화적응 및 민족적 정체성에 대한 이해
하재필, 박성희
체육과학연구 23 (1), 10-120, 2012
Relationship between Emotional Labor and Burnout among Sports Coaches in South Korea: Moderating Role of Social Support
JP Ha, JH Kim, J Ha
Sustainability 13 (10), 5754, 2021
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