Variability of moisture in coarse woody debris from several ecologically important tree species of the Temperate Zone of Europe V Pichler, M Homolák, W Skierucha, M Pichlerová, D Ramírez, J Gregor, ... Ecohydrology 5 (4), 424-434, 2012 | 49 | 2012 |
High organic carbon stock in a karstic soil of the Middle-European Forest Province persists after centuries-long agroforestry management YAR Ahmed, V Pichler, M Homolák, E Gömöryová, D Nagy, M Pichlerová, ... European Journal of Forest Research 131 (6), 1669-1680, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Variability in forest visit numbers in different regions and population segments before and during the COVID-19 pandemic M Pichlerová, D Önkal, A Bartlett, J Výbošťok, V Pichler International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (7), 3469, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
Assessing the potential of bioeconomy in Slovakia based on public perception of renewable materials in contrast to non-renewable materials L Navrátilová, J Výbošťok, Z Dobšinská, J Šálka, M Pichlerová, V Pichler Ambio 49, 1912-1924, 2020 | 21 | 2020 |
Increased appreciation of forests and their restorative effects during the COVID-19 pandemic M Pichlerová, J Výbošťok, D Önkal, KE Lamatungga, D Tamatam, ... Ambio 52 (3), 647-664, 2023 | 16 | 2023 |
Altitudinal variability of the soil water content in natural and managed beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests V Pichler, J Ďurkovič, J Capuliak, M Pichlerova Polish Journal of Ecology 57 (2), 313-319, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
Parent material effect on soil organic carbon concentration under primeval european beech forests at a regional scale V Pichler, E Gömöryová, C Leuschner, M Homolák, IV Abrudan, ... Forests 12 (4), 405, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Beech forest density control on the dominant water flow types in Andic soils J Capuliak, V Pichler, H Flühler, M Pichlerová, M Homolák Vadose Zone Journal 9 (3), 747-756, 2010 | 12 | 2010 |
Coarse woody debris of Fagus sylvatica produced a quantitative organic carbon imprint in an andic soil V Pichler, E Gömöryová, M Homolák, M Pichlerová, W Skierucha Journal of forest research 18, 440-444, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Importance of coarse woody debris (CWD) for moisture control and survival of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) seedlings M Pichlerova, M Homolak, V Pichler, D Kurjak, P Jaloviar Polish J. Ecol 61, 471-476, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Scientific tourism development in the Slovak Carpathians M Pichlerova Ekoturizm i stalij rozvitok u Karpatach / Ecotourism and Sustainable …, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |
Changes in forest cover and its diversity V Pichler, P Godinho-Ferreira, T Zlatanov, M Pichlerová, J Gregor Forest Management and the Water Cycle: An Ecosystem-Based Approach, 209-224, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Utilisation of natural forests for ecotourism: Matching the goals and reality V Pichler, M Sorokova For. Snow Landsc. Res 79 (1/2), 185-194, 2005 | 7 | 2005 |
The Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Ancient Beech Forests of Germany: joint natural heritage of Europe. I Vološčuk, V Pichler, M Pichlerová Folia Oecologica 40 (2), 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Režim vlhkosti pôdy pod lesnými porastami s rozdielnym drevinovým zložením M Soroková Zvolen, TU 144, 2001 | 3 | 2001 |
Vnímanie lesa ako významnej zložky životného prostredia verejnosťou J Výbošťok, M Pichlerová, V Pichler, L Navrátilová, Z Dobšinská, J Šálka Aktuálne otázky ekonomiky a politiky lesného hospodárstva Slovenskej …, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Temperate primeval forests and their potential and use for recreation M Pichlerová, P Patuš, V Pichler, M BIHÚŇOVÁ Forest recreation & tourism serving urbanised societies: a joint final …, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
Forests serve vulnerable groups in times of crises: improved mental health of older adults by individual forest walking during the COVID-19 pandemic KE Lamatungga, M Pichlerová, J Halamová, M Kanovský, D Tamatam, ... Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 7, 1287266, 2024 | 1 | 2024 |
Aplikácia priestorovej autokorelácie krajinných štruktúr v hodnotení rekreačného potenciálu krajiny M PICHLEROVÁ, L DENDISOVÁ Ekológia a environmentalistika, 110-120, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |