Walter Flores
Walter Flores
Accountability Research Center, American University & Centro de Estudios para Equidad y Gobernanza
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Making fair choices on the path to universal health coverage: Final report of the WHO Consultative Group on Equity and Universal Health Coverage
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2014
Abuse and discrimination towards indigenous people in public health care facilities: experiences from rural Guatemala
A Cerón, AL Ruano, S Sánchez, AS Chew, D Díaz, A Hernández, ...
International journal for equity in health 15, 1-7, 2016
Making the post-MDG global health goals relevant for highly inequitable societies: findings from a consultation with marginalized populations in Guatemala
AL Ruano, S Sánchez, FJ Jerez, W Flores
International journal for equity in health 13, 1-8, 2014
Engaging with complexity to improve the health of indigenous people: a call for the use of systems thinking to tackle health inequity
A Hernández, AL Ruano, B Marchal, M San Sebastián, W Flores
International Journal for Equity in Health 16, 1-5, 2017
Universal health coverage anchored in the right to health
G Ooms, C Brolan, N Eggermont, A Eide, W Flores, L Forman, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 91, 2-2a, 2013
10 best resources on power in health policy and systems in low-and middle-income countries
V Sriram, SM Topp, M Schaaf, A Mishra, W Flores, SR Rajasulochana, ...
Health Policy and Planning 33 (4), 611-621, 2018
An evidence-based approach to benchmarking the fairness of health-sector reform in developing countries
N Daniels, W Flores, S Pannarunothai, PN Ndumbe, JH Bryant, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 83 (7), 534-540, 2005
Social participation within a context of political violence: implications for the promotion and exercise of the right to health in Guatemala
W Flores, AL Ruano, DP Funchal
Health & Hum. Rts. 11, 37, 2009
La gobernanza en los Consejos Municipales de Desarrollo de Guatemala: Análisis de actores y relaciones de poder
W Flores, I Gómez-Sánchez
Revista de Salud Pública 12, 138-150, 2010
Pathways to accountability in rural Guatemala: A qualitative comparative analysis of citizen-led initiatives for the right to health of indigenous populations
A Hernández, AL Ruano, AK Hurtig, I Goicolea, M San Sebastián, ...
World Development 113, 392-401, 2019
Synergies and tensions between universal health coverage and global health security: why we need a second ‘Maximizing Positive Synergies’ initiative
G Ooms, C Beiersmann, W Flores, J Hanefeld, O Müller, M Mulumba, ...
BMJ global health 2 (1), e000217, 2017
Los principios éticos y los enfoques asociados a la investigación de la gobernanza en los sistemas de salud: implicaciones conceptuales y metodológicas
W Flores
Revista de Salud Pública 12, 28-38, 2010
Social exclusion and universal health coverage: health care rights and citizen-led accountability in Guatemala and Peru
J Samuel, W Flores, A Frisancho
International journal for equity in health 19, 1-9, 2020
Raising the profile of participatory action research at the 2010 Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
R Loewenson, W Flores, A Shukla, M Kagis, A Baba, A Ryklief, ...
MEDICC review 13, 35-38, 2011
Sector-wide approaches in developing countries: The aid given must make the most impact
P Garner, W Flores, S Tang
Bmj 321 (7254), 129-130, 2000
Providers’ perspectives on inbound medical tourism in Central America and the Caribbean: factors driving and inhibiting sector development and their health equity implications
R Johnston, VA Crooks, A Cerón, R Labonté, J Snyder, EO Núñez, ...
Global Health Action 9 (1), 32760, 2016
Posting and transfer: key to fostering trust in government health services
K Sheikh, L Freedman, A Ghaffar, B Marchal, F el-Jardali, J McCaffery, ...
Human Resources for Health 13, 1-4, 2015
Youth-led anti-corruption movement in post-conflict Guatemala:‘weaving the future’?
W Flores
IDS Bulletin 50 (3), 2019
Sistema de salud en Argentina
D Maceira, F Barten, W Flores, A Hardoy
Buenos Aires. AR; IIED-AL, 2008
How Can Evidence Bolster Citizen Action? Learning and Adapting for Accountable Public Health in Guatemala
W Flores
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