Helena Mendes Oliveira
Helena Mendes Oliveira
CIPsi, Escola de Psicologia, Universidade do Minho
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The Minho Word Pool: Norms for imageability, concreteness, and subjective frequency for 3,800 Portuguese words
AP Soares, AS Costa, J Machado, M Comesaña, HM Oliveira
Behavior Research Methods 49, 1065-1081, 2017
The mirror reflects more for d than for b: Right asymmetry bias on the visual recognition of words containing reversal letters
AP Soares, A Lages, H Oliveira, J Hernández
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 182, 18-37, 2019
Biofilms from a Brazilian water distribution system include filamentous fungi
VM Siqueira, HMB Oliveira, C Santos, RRM Paterson, NB Gusmão, ...
Canadian journal of microbiology 59 (3), 183-188, 2013
Lexico-syntactic interactions during the processing of temporally ambiguous L2 relative clauses: An eye-tracking study with intermediate and advanced Portuguese-English bilinguals
AP Soares, H Oliveira, M Ferreira, M Comesaña, AF Macedo, P Ferré, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0216779, 2019
The mirror reflects more for genial than for casual: right-asymmetry bias on the visual word recognition of words containing non-reversal letters
AP Soares, A Lages, M Velho, HM Oliveira, J Hernández-Cabrera
Reading and Writing 34, 1467–1489., 2021
Extradyadic behaviors and gender: How do they relate with sexual desire, relationship quality, and attractiveness
J Arantes, F Barros, HM Oliveira
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 2554, 2020
O Estudo das falsas memórias: reflexão histórica
HM Oliveira, PB Albuquerque, M Saraiva
Trends in Psychology 26 (4), 1763-1773, 2018
Not all words are equally acquired: transitional probabilities and instructions affect the electrophysiological correlates of statistical learning
AP Soares, FJ Gutiérrez-Domínguez, M Vasconcelos, HM Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 577991, 2020
The impact of cognateness of word bases and suffixes on morpho-orthographic processing: A masked priming study with intermediate and high-proficiency Portuguese-English bilinguals
M Comesaña, P Bertin, H Oliveira, AP Soares, JA Hernández-Cabrera, ...
Plos One 13 (3), e0193480, 2018
Surface features can deeply affect artificial grammar learning
L Jiménez, HM Oliveira, AP Soares
Consciousness and Cognition 80, 102919, 2020
The role of syllables in intermediate-depth stress-timed languages: Masked priming evidence in European Portuguese
AD Campos, H Mendes Oliveira, AP Soares
Reading and Writing 31, 1209-1229, 2018
Mecanismos explicativos das falsas memórias no paradigma DRM
H Oliveira, PB Albuquerque
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 28 (3), 554-564, 2015
The cognate facilitation effect depends on the presence of identical cognates
SL Arana, HM Oliveira, AI Fernandes, AP Soares, M Comesaña
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 25 (4), 660-678, 2022
Literacy effects on artificial grammar learning (AGL) with letters and colors: evidence from preschool and primary school children
AP Soares, R Silva, F Faria, MS Santos, HM Oliveira, L Jiménez
Language and Cognition 13 (4), 534-561, 2021
Syllable effects in beginning and intermediate European-Portuguese readers: Evidence from a sandwich masked go/no-go lexical decision task
AD Campos, HM Oliveira, AP Soares
Journal of Child Language 48 (4), 699-716, 2021
Criança hospitalizada: atenção integral como escuta à vida
H Oliveira, RB Ceccim, PRA Carvalho
Self-reference is a fast-acting automatic mechanism on emotional word processing: evidence from a masked priming affective categorisation task
AP Soares, J Macedo, HM Oliveira, A Lages, J Hernández-Cabrera, ...
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 31 (3), 317-325, 2019
Associative strength or gist extraction: Which matters when DRM lists have two critical lures?
HM Oliveira, PB Albuquerque, M Saraiva
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (3), 570– 578, 2019
How letter order is encoded in bilingual reading? The role of deviant-letter position in cognate word recognition
M Comesaña, R Coelho, H Oliveira, A Paula Soares
Speech, Language and Hearing 21 (2), 90-93, 2018
The study of false memories: historical reflection
HM Oliveira, PB Albuquerque, M Saraiva
The study of false memories: historical reflection 26 (4), 1775-1785, 2018
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