Linden K. Head
Linden K. Head
Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Queen's University
在 uottawa.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Wrist ganglion treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis
L Head, JR Gencarelli, M Allen, KU Boyd
The Journal of hand surgery 40 (3), 546-553. e8, 2015
The risks and benefits of cavernous neurovascular bundle sparing during radical prostatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
LN Nguyen, L Head, K Witiuk, N Punjani, R Mallick, S Cnossen, ...
The Journal of urology 198 (4), 760-769, 2017
Economic comparison of hand-sutured and coupler-assisted microvascular anastomoses
LK Head, DR McKay
Journal of reconstructive microsurgery 34 (01), 071-076, 2018
Clinical outcomes of nerve transfers in peroneal nerve palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
LK Head, K Hicks, G Wolff, KU Boyd
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 35 (01), 057-065, 2019
Evaluation of intrinsic hand musculature reinnervation following supercharge end-to-side anterior interosseous–to–ulnar motor nerve transfer
LK Head, ZZ Zhang, K Hicks, G Wolff, KU Boyd
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 146 (1), 128-132, 2020
Growing the'SEAD': Expansion of the Surgical Exploration and discovery Program
L Head, B Greene, N Gawad, C Seabrook, K Tardioli, SJ Hamstra, ...
Journal of Surgical Education 73 (1), 101-110, 2016
Economics of lymphovenous bypass
LK Head, M Momtazi
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 144 (5), 751e-759e, 2019
Unique complications of venous anastomotic couplers: a systematic review of the literature
GJ Wu, SN Loewenstein, BA Mailey, S Sasor, J Cook, AH Hassanein
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 36 (06), 403-411, 2020
Surgical exploration and discovery program: inaugural involvement of otolaryngology–head and neck surgery
B Greene, L Head, N Gawad, SJ Hamstra, L McLean
Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 44 (1), 3, 2015
Does size matter: evaluating the difference between right and left internal mammary veins in free flap breast reconstruction
JT Mauch, IA Rhemtulla, EB Katzel, JA Hernandez, RB Broach, JM Serletti
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 35 (09), 677-681, 2019
The rule of thirds: determining the ideal areolar proportions
MJ Laschuk, LK Head, GA Roumeliotis, L Xuan, HJ Silverman
JPRAS open 23, 55-59, 2020
Harvesting the ‘SEAD’: long-term follow-up of the surgical exploration and discovery program
LK Head, B Greene, N Gawad, SJ Hamstra, T Brandys
Journal of Surgical Education 77 (1), 96-103, 2020
Long-term outcomes and patient satisfaction following wrist ganglion aspiration
L Head, M Allen, KU Boyd
Plastic Surgery 23 (1), 51-53, 2015
Impact of body mass index and comorbidities on outcomes in upper extremity nerve transfers
LK Head, MC Médor, A Karir, G Wolff, KU Boyd
Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery 37 (09), 713-719, 2021
Branches from the “SEAD”: sustained and feasible expansion of the surgical exploration and discovery program
N Gawad, LK Head, C McGuire, A Gangemi, K Garland, K Sorouri, ...
Journal of Surgical Research 235, 315-321, 2019
Efficacy and safety of bilateral thoracic paravertebral blocks in outpatient breast surgery
LK Head, A Lui, KU Boyd
The Breast Journal 24 (4), 561-566, 2018
Tenosynovial chondromatosis of the wrist presenting with acute carpal tunnel syndrome: a case report
LK Head, R Bradley, M Momtazi
Hand surgery and rehabilitation 37 (2), 117-120, 2018
Radiologist identification of occult dorsal wrist ganglion cysts on MRI
G Versteeg, K Goyal
Journal of Wrist Surgery 8 (04), 276-279, 2019
Innovative practice model to optimize resource utilization and improve access to care for high-risk and BRCA+ patients
L Head, C Nessim, KU Boyd
Canadian Journal of Surgery 60 (1), 37, 2017
Clinical outcomes of upper extremity nerve transfers in neuralgic amyotrophy
O Solaja, AK Baergen, LK Head, GK Wolff, KU Boyd
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 152 (6), 1072e-1075e, 2023
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