Muhammad Hanif Azhar
Muhammad Hanif Azhar
在 fpk.unair.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Immune response and disease resistance of shrimp fed biofloc grown on different carbon sources
J Ekasari, MH Azhar, EH Surawidjaja, S Nuryati, P De Schryver, P Bossier
Fish & shellfish immunology 41 (2), 332-339, 2014
Biofloc-based co-culture systems of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) with different carbon–nitrogen ratios
MH Azhar, S Suciyono, DS Budi, MF Ulkhaq, M Anugrahwati, J Ekasari
Aquaculture International 28, 1293-1304, 2020
Organic carbon source and C/N ratio affect inorganic nitrogen profile in the biofloc-based culture media of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
MH Azhar, E Supriyono, K Nirmala, J Ekasari
Ilmu Kelautan 21 (1), 23-28, 2016
Identifikasi bakteri Escherichia coli dan Salmonella sp. pada produk beku perikanan di balai karantina ikan, pengendalian mutu, dan keamanan hasil perikanan Surabaya II, Jawa Timur
SD Christanti, MH Azhar
Journal of Aquaculture Science 4 (2), 62-72, 2019
Inventarisasi keanekaragaman jenis ikan di sungai Bendo, Desa kampong Anyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi
H Kenconojati, Suciyono, DS Budi, MF Ulkhaq, MH Azhar
Jurnal Agro Veteriner 5 (1), 89 - 97, 2016
Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Konsentrasi Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) dengan Pupuk Walne Dalam Media Kultur Terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Karotenoid …
N Wahyuni, BS Rahardja, MH Azhar
Journal of Aquaculture Science 4 (1), 37-49, 2019
Insidensi dan derajat infeksi anisakiasis pada ikan hasil tangkapan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Muncar, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur
MF Ulkhaq, DS Budi, H Kenconojati, MH Azhar
Jurnal Veteriner 20 (1), 101-108, 2019
Peranan sumber karbon eksternal yang berbeda dalam pembentukan biflok dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas air serta produksi pada sistem budidaya udang vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei)
MH Azhar
Bogor: Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2013
Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Akar Tuba (Derris elleptica) Pada Ikan Nila Merah (Oreochromis sp)
D Prariska, T Tanbiyaskur, MH Azhar
Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Perikanan dan Budidaya Perairan 12 (1), 2017
Application of the IMTA (integrated multi-trophic aquaculture) system in freshwater, brackish and marine aquaculture
M Azhar, D Memiş
Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 38 (2), 101-121, 2023
Evaluation of antibacterial activity of different solvent extract from Coffea canephora leaves against Edwardsiella tarda and Streptococcus agalactiae
H Kenconojati, MF Ulkhaq, MH Azhar, DS Budi
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 12 (6), 2371-2377, 2019
Kelimpahan dan Keanekaragaman Bakteri Pada pembenihan Ikan Lele (Clarias gariepinus) dengan Sistem Air Tertutup (Close Water System)
MH Azhar, MF Ulkhaq, Suciyono, Prayogo
Journal of Aquaculture Science 2 (Oktober), 81-89, 2017
Nutrient removal from rainbow trout juveniles in fish ponds using integrated biofilter duckweed (Lemna minor) and freshwater mussel (Anodonta cygnea)
MH Azhar, D Memiş
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 23 (3), 371-388, 2024
Characteristics of Acropora divaricata and Acropora nobilis on different transplantation depths based on growth rate and zooxanthellae density
DP Anggara, MH Azhar, MF Ulkhaq, AH Fasya
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 13 (1), 241-249, 2020
The effect of giving combination concentration of leaves of Moringa oleifera with Walne fertilizer in culture media on the growth and content of carotenoids in Dunaliella salina
N Wahyuni, BS Rahardja, MH Azhar
Journal of Aquaculture Science 4 (1), 37-49, 2019
Growth performance of laboratory-Scale Chaetoceros calcitrans in different containers
M Jannah, MF Ulkhaq, MH Azhar, W Soemarjati
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (1), 012031, 2019
Utilization of floc from Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) farming with biofloc technology as substrate in the culture medium of Daphnia magna
MH Azhar, MF Ulkhaq, S Suciyono, P Prayogo, D Fatmawati, N Nurlatiffah, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2026 (1), 2018
Vibriocidal Activity of Ethanol Extract of Moringa Leaves and Its Effect on the Growth of Pacific White Shrimp.
H Kenconojati, MF Ulkhaq, MH Azhar, NR Rukmana
Jurnal Medik Veterinar 6 (1), 2023
The harmful effect of commercial powder detergent on water flea (Daphnia sp.)
H Kenconojati, MH Azhar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 441 (1), 012081, 2020
The important role of macrobenthos and phytoplankton: biological indicators in Tabuhan Island, East Java, Indonesia.
AA Abdillah, MA Alamsjah, MF Ulkhaq, H Kenconojati, DS Budi, ...
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