Maria Siranova
Impact of macroeconomic news, regulation and hacking exchange markets on the volatility of bitcoin
Š Lyócsa, P Molnár, T Plíhal, M Širaňová
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 119, 103980, 2020
Interest rate pass-through in the euro area: Financial fragmentation, balance sheet policies and negative rates
R Horvath, J Kotlebova, M Siranova
Journal of Financial Stability 36, 12-21, 2018
Analysing the Relevance of the MIP Scoreboard's Indicators
D Tomáš, O Filip, Š Ivana, Š Mária
National Institute Economic Review 239, R32-R52, 2017
Public support for firms in lagging regions—evaluation of innovation subsidy in Slovakia
V Nemethova, M Siranova, M Sipikal
Science and Public Policy 46 (2), 173-183, 2019
Performance of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure in light of historical experience in the CEE region
M Siranova, M Radvanský
Journal of Economic Policy Reform 21 (4), 335-352, 2018
Financial development, rule of law and wealth inequality: Bayesian model averaging evidence
R Horvath, E Horvatova, M Siranova
BOFIT Discussion Paper, 2017
Creating the illicit capital flows network in Europe–Do the net errors and omissions follow an economic pattern?
M Siranova, MW Tiruneh, B Fisera
International Review of Economics & Finance 71, 955-973, 2021
SVAR description of ECB monetary policy effects via banking sector in individual EA countries: case of Slovenia
M Siranova, J Kotlebova
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 11 (1), 56-75, 2018
Growth of city regions and bank branch localization
O Rafaj, M Siranova
SHS Web of Conferences 74, 05019, 2020
Economic Development of Slovakia in 2020
K Morvay, K Frank, M Hudcovský, V Hvozdíková, T Jeck, I Lichner, ...
Bratislava: Institute of Economic Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2021
Exploding net errors and omissions as a capital flight phenomenon: the case of Slovakia
M Siranova, MW Tiruneh
Applied Economics 50 (16), 1866-1884, 2018
Determinants shaping the international currency system: Where do currencies stand relative to their equilibria?
M Siranova, MD Rocha
The World Economy, 2020
Banking sector in the process of European integration: how did EU accession and Euro adoption affect cost efficiency of Slovak banking sector?
M Cupic, M Siranova
Journal of Economics 66 (2), 115-138, 2018
European banking network in light of the single supervisory mechanism from the network analysis perspective
M Širaňová
Financial assets and investing 6 (1), 35-57, 2015
Income inequality as long-term conditioning factor of monetary transmission to bank rates
T Domonkos, B Fisera, M Siranova
Economic Modelling 128, 106492, 2023
Every crisis does matter: Comparing the databases of financial crisis events
M Siranova, K Zelenak
Review of International Economics 31 (2), 652-686, 2023
Does Capital Flight Harm Domestic Investment? An Empirical Investigation from a Panel of Emerging and Advanced Europe 1
MW Tiruneh, M Siranova, F Ostrihon
Ekonomicky casopis 69 (2), 135-157, 2021
Analysing the Relevance and Predictive Power of the MIP Scoreboard’s Indicators
T Domonkos, F Ostrihoň, I Šikulová, M Širaňová
Firstrun Working Paper, 2017
Evaluation of innovation support from EU funds in the manufacturing of wood and wood products in The Slovak Republic
M Sipikal, M Siranova, V Nemethova
Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen 59 (2), 167-180, 2017
The Determinants of Errors and Omissions in a Small and Open Economy
T Menbere, M Širaňová
Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2015
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