Andrea Andrew
Andrea Andrew
在 nasa.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean: Optical properties and their relation to CDOM structure and source
AA Andrew, R Del Vecchio, A Subramaniam, NV Blough
Marine Chemistry 148, 33-43, 2013
Enhanced photoproduction of hydrogen peroxide by humic substances in the presence of phenol electron donors
Y Zhang, KA Simon, AA Andrew, R Del Vecchio, NV Blough
Environmental science & technology 48 (21), 12679-12688, 2014
Are extracted materials truly representative of original samples? Impact of C18 extraction on CDOM optical and chemical properties
AA Andrew, R Del Vecchio, Y Zhang, A Subramaniam, NV Blough
Frontiers in Chemistry 4, 4, 2016
A survey tool for assessing student expectations early in a semester
KRB Schmitt, EA Larsen, M Miller, AHA Badawy, M Dougherty, ...
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education 14 (2), 255-257, 2013
Student expectations from CS and other stem courses: they aren't like CS-majors! or (CS!= Stem-CS)
KRB Schmitt, AHA Badawy, S Kramer, K Hrapczynski, E Larsen, ...
J. Comput. Sci. Coll 28 (6), 100-108, 2013
Subramaniam. A., Blough NV,“Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean: Optical properties and their relation to CDOM structure and source,”
AA Andrew, R Del Vecchio
Marine Chemistry 148, 33-43, 2013
Expectations of computing and other STEM students: A comparison for different Class Levels, or (CSE ≠ STEM - CSE) | course level
AHA Badawy, KRB Schmitt, SR Kramer, KM Hrapczynski, EA Larsen, ...
2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1657-1663, 2013
A failing grade for faculty: comparing faculty perception of student expectations and reality
KRB Schmitt, AHA Badawy, SS Kramer, K Hrapczynski, EA Larsen, ...
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 30 (3), 99-107, 2015
CDOM Distribution and Dynamics in a Mangrove Ecosystem along the Shark River, Florida Everglades
AA Andrew, CE del Castillo
American Geophysical Union 2016, CT54A-0266, 2016
Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the ocean: Optical properties and relation to CDOM structure and source
AAS Andrew
University of Maryland, College Park, 2014
Expectations of Computing and Other STEM students: A Comparison for Different Class Levels, or (CSE &# x2260; STEM-CSE) &# x007C; course level
AH Badawy, KRB Schmitt, SR Kramer, KM Hrapczynski, EA Larsen, ...
Unfolding the optical and chemical properties of humic substances (HS)
AA Andrew, R Vecchio, M Sander, M Aeschbacher, NV Blough
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 245, 457-ENVR, 2013
Reduction and oxidation of humic substances (HS): Linking optical and electrochemical properties to chemical structure
RD Vecchio, A Andrew, M Sander, M Aeschbacher, NV Blough
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 245, 2013
Expectations of Computing and other STEM
AHA Badawy, KRB Schmitt, SR Kramer, KM Hrapczynski, EA Larsen, ...
technology 7, 15, 0
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