Nicholas Longpre
Nicholas Longpre
Senior Lecturer - Edge Hill University - Department of Law & Criminology
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Sadistic offender or sexual sadism? Taxometric evidence for a dimensional structure of sexual sadism
N Longpré, JP Guay, RA Knight, M Benbouriche
Archives of Sexual Behavior 47, 403-416, 2018
MTC Sadism Scale: Toward a dimensional assessment of severe sexual sadism with behavioral markers
N Longpre, JP Guay, RA Knight
Assessment 26 (1), 70-84, 2019
Convergent validity of three measures of sexual sadism: Value of a dimensional measure
N Longpré, J Proulx, S Brouillette-Alarie
Sexual Abuse 30 (2), 192-208, 2018
Radicalization in the social media era: understanding the relationship between self-radicalization and the internet
GF Hollewell, N Longpré
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 66 (8 …, 2022
Is paraphilic coercion a different construct from sadism or the lower end of an agonistic continuum?
N Longpre, JE Sims-Knight, C Neumann, JP Guay, RA Knight
Journal of Criminal Justice 71, 101743, 2020
The developmental antecedents of sexually sadistic behaviours
N Longpré, JP Guay, RA Knight
Routledge international handbook of sexual homicide studies, 283-302, 2018
Stalking behaviors presented by ex-intimate stalkers: A victim’s perspective
E White, N Longpré, EB Stefanska
Journal of interpersonal Violence 37 (7-8), NP5074-NP5093, 2022
A billion distorted thoughts: An exploratory study of criminogenic cognitions among men who sexually exploit children over the Internet
S Paquette, N Longpre, F Cortoni
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 64 (10 …, 2020
Relationship between atypical sexual fantasies, behavior, and pornography consumption
EB Stefanska, N Longpré, H Rogerson
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology …, 2022
Untangling sexual homicide: A proposal for a new classification of sexually motivated killings
EB Stefanska, N Longpré, S Bloomfield, D Perkins, AJ Carter
Journal of criminal justice 71, 101729, 2020
An examination of implicit theories among francophone child molesters
S Paquette, F Cortoni, J Proulx, N Longpre
Journal of sexual aggression 20 (2), 182-196, 2014
An examination of the latent Constructs in risk tools for individuals who sexually offend: applying multidimensional item response theory to the Static-2002R
S Brouillette-Alarie, SC Lee, N Longpré, KM Babchishin
Assessment 30 (4), 1249-1264, 2023
Dark traits, harassment and rape myths acceptances among university students
N Longpré, RE Moreton, EJ Snow, F Kiszel, MA Fitzsimons
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology …, 2022
The wheel of change moves on: Assessing the severity of stalking behavior
EB Stefanska, N Longpré, RS Harriman
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (15-16), NP14672-NP14694, 2022
The Dark Triad of personality: Attitudes and beliefs towards white-collar crime
B Amos, N Longpré, M Roos
Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime 5 (1), 58-73, 2024
The nomological network of stalking with sexual harassment, sexual coercion, and dark personality traits
M Tachmetzidi Papoutsi, N Longpré
Oral presentation at the NOTA annual international conference. Leeds …, 2022
Sadism, psychopathy, and sexual offending
S Krstic, N Longpré, R Knight, C Robertson
Routledge international handbook of psychopathy and crime, 351-358, 2018
Everyday sadism as a predictor of rape myth acceptance and perception of harassment
IA Saravia Lalinde, N Longpré, M de Roos
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 67 (13 …, 2023
The impact of childhood trauma, personality, and sexuality on the development of paraphilias
N Longpré, CB Galiano, JP Guay
Journal of Criminal Justice 82, 101981, 2022
The Dark Tetrad in Relationships: Sexual Coaxing, Coercion and Rape Myth Acceptance.
N Beckett, N LONGPRE
NOTA Annual International Conference, 2022
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