Birth by design. Pregnancy, maternity care, and midwifery in North America and Europe S De Vries, Raymond G, Benoit, Cecilia, van Teijlingen, Edwin R. , Wrede Routledge, 2001 | 280* | 2001 |
Birth by Design. Pregnancy, Maternity Care, and Midwifery in North America and Europe. R DeVries, C Benoit, E van Teijlingen, S Wrede Routledge, 2001 | 280 | 2001 |
Understanding the social organisation of maternity care systems: midwifery as a touchstone C Benoit, S Wrede, I Bourgeault, J Sandall, RD Vries, ER Teijlingen Sociology of health & illness 27 (6), 722-737, 2005 | 193 | 2005 |
Understanding professional projects in welfare service work: Revival of old professionalism? L Henriksson, S Wrede, V Burau Gender, Work & Organization 13 (2), 174-192, 2006 | 139 | 2006 |
Decentred comparative research: context sensitive analysis of maternal health care S Wrede, C Benoit, IL Bourgeault, ER van Teijlingen, J Sandall, ... Social science & medicine 63 (11), 2986-2997, 2006 | 105 | 2006 |
Decentering care for mothers: The politics of midwifery and the design of Finnish maternity services S Wrede Åbo Akademis förlag-Åbo Akademi University Press, 2001 | 66 | 2001 |
Encountering globalization: Professional groups in an international context J Allsop, IL Bourgeault, J Evetts, T Le Bianic, K Jones, S Wrede Current Sociology 57 (4), 487-510, 2009 | 65 | 2009 |
Social service professional or market expert? Maternity care relations under neoliberal healthcare reform J Sandall, C Benoit, S Wrede, SF Murray, ER van Teijlingen, R Westfall Current sociology 57 (4), 529-553, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
Care Work in Crisis. Reclaiming the Nordic Ethos of Care. S Wrede, S., Henriksson, L., Høst, H., Johansson, B Dybbroe Studentlitteratur, 2008 | 64* | 2008 |
Hyvinvointityön ammatit L Henriksson, S Wrede | 55 | 2004 |
Glocalising care in the Nordic countries S Wrede, L Näre Nordic Journal of Migration Research 3 (2), 57-62, 2013 | 54 | 2013 |
Nursing: Globalization of a female-gendered profession S Wrede Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Healthcare, 355-370, 2010 | 54 | 2010 |
How can optimal skill mix be effectively implemented and why? IL Bourgeault, E Kuhlmann, E Neiterman, S Wrede, ... World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe, 2008 | 54 | 2008 |
Kahden kerroksen väkeä: kotihoidon ammatillinen uusjako S Wrede, L Henriksson Hyvinvointityön ammatit, 210-234, 2004 | 48 | 2004 |
Hyvinvointityön ammattien tutkimus L Henriksson, S Wrede Hyvinvointityön ammatit, 9-19, 2004 | 47 | 2004 |
Suomalainen työelämä, globalisaatio ja vieraat työssä S Wrede Vieraita työssä. Työelämän etnistyvä eriarvoisuus., 7-31, 0 | 46* | |
Where to Give Birth? Politics and the Place of Birth. EugeneDeclercq, R DeVries, K Viisainen, HB Salvesen, S Wrede Birth by Design: Pregnancy, Maternity Care, and Midwifery in North America …, 2001 | 45* | 2001 |
Street-Level Engagements C Nordberg, S Wrede Nordic Journal of Migration Research 5 (2), 54-57, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration J Lauren, S Wrede Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration, 20, 2008 | 42* | 2008 |
Educating generalists: flexibility and identity in auxiliary nursing in Finland S Wrede Rethinking professional governance, 127-140, 2008 | 42 | 2008 |