Geology and tectonic evolution of the Central-Southern Apennines, Italy L Vezzani, A Festa, FC Ghisetti Geological Society of America, 2010 | 242 | 2010 |
Carta geologica dell'Abruzzo: scala 1: 100.000 L Vezzani, F Ghisetti, A Bigozzi, U Follador, R Casnedi Selca, 1998 | 141 | 1998 |
Different styles of deformation in the Calabrian arc (southern Italy): implications for a seismotectonic zoning F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Tectonophysics 85 (3-4), 149-165, 1982 | 141 | 1982 |
Fault parameters in the Messina Strait (southern Italy) and relations with the seismogenic source F Ghisetti Tectonophysics 210 (1-2), 117-133, 1992 | 134 | 1992 |
Contribution of structural analysis to understanding the geodynamic evolution of the Calabrian arc (Southern Italy) F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Journal of structural geology 3 (4), 371-381, 1981 | 130 | 1981 |
The structural features of the Iblean Plateau and of the Mount Judica area (southeastern Sicily); a microtectonic contribution to the deformational history of the Calabrian Arc F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 99 (1-2), 57-102, 1980 | 123 | 1980 |
Evoluzione neotettonica dei principali sistemi di faglie della Calabria centrale F Ghisetti Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 98 (25), 387-430, 1979 | 122 | 1979 |
Carta neotettonica dell’Italia meridionale N Ciaranfi, F Ghisetti, M Guida, G Iaccarino, S Lambiase, P Pieri, ... Prog. Fin. Geod. Pub 515, 1-62, 1983 | 121 | 1983 |
Depth and modes of Pliocene–Pleistocene crustal extension of the Apennines (Italy) F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Terra Nova 11 (2‐3), 67-72, 1999 | 113 | 1999 |
Carta geologica dell'Abruzzo L Vezzani, F Ghisetti | 113 | 1998 |
Recent deformations and the seismogenic source in the Messina Strait (Southern Italy) F Ghisetti Tectonophysics 109 (3-4), 191-208, 1984 | 112 | 1984 |
Character of the stress field in the Calabrian arc and southern Apennines (Italy) as deduced by geological, seismological and volcanological information R Cristofolini, F Ghisetti, R Scarpa, L Vezzani Tectonophysics 117 (1-2), 39-58, 1985 | 104 | 1985 |
Thin-skinned deformations of the western Sicily thrust belt and relationships with crustal shortening; mesostructural data on the Mt. Kumeta-Alcantara fault zone and related … F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 103 (1), 129-157, 1984 | 102 | 1984 |
Interfering paths of deformation and development of arcs in the fold‐and‐thrust belt of the central Apennines (Italy) F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Tectonics 16 (3), 523-536, 1997 | 100 | 1997 |
Thrust belt development in the central Apennines (Italy): Northward polarity of thrusting and out‐of‐sequence deformations in the Gran Sasso Chain F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Tectonics 10 (5), 904-919, 1991 | 96 | 1991 |
Stress control of an evolving strike-slip fault system during the 2010–2011 Canterbury, New Zealand, earthquake sequence R Sibson, F Ghisetti, J Ristau Seismological Research Letters 82 (6), 824-832, 2011 | 95 | 2011 |
Stable isotope evidence for contrasting paleofluid circulation in thrust faults and normal faults of the central Apennines, Italy F Ghisetti, DL Kirschner, L Vezzani, F Agosta Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B5), 8811-8825, 2001 | 87 | 2001 |
Normal faulting, extension and uplift in the outer thrust belt of the central Apennines (Italy): role of the Caramanico fault F Ghisetti, L Vezzani Basin Research 14 (2), 225-236, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Conflicting balanced structural sections across the central Apennines (Italy): problems and implications F Ghisetti, M Barchi, AW Bally, I Moretti, L Vezzani Generation, Accumulation and Production of Europe’s Hydrocarbons III …, 1993 | 84 | 1993 |