ICAR-ATARI, Jabalpur, M.P.
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Compositional and varietal influence of finger millet flour on rheological properties of dough and quality of biscuit
S Saha, A Gupta, SRK Singh, N Bharti, KP Singh, V Mahajan, HS Gupta
LWT-Food Science and Technology 44 (3), 616-621, 2011
Weed control efficiency of herbicides in irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum)
RK Singh, SRK Singh, US Gautam
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 13 (1), 126-128, 2013
Adoption dynamics of improved sugarcane cultivation in Madhya Pradesh
S Chouhan, SRK Singh, AK Pande, US Gautam
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 13 (2), 26-30, 2016
Yield gap analysis of chickpea through front line demonstration in different agro-climatic zones of MP and Chhatishgarh
AP Dwivedi, A Mishra, SK Singh, SRK Singh, M Singh
Journal of food legumes 27 (1), 60-63, 2014
Employer branding analytics and retention strategies for sustainable growth of organizations
R Sharma, SP Singh, G Rana
Understanding the role of business analytics: Some applications, 189-205, 2019
Perception of farming youth towards farming
S Narain, AK Singh, SRK Singh
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 15 (2), 105-109, 2016
Improving efficiency and reduction in drudgery of farm women in weeding activity by twin wheel hoe
B Sharma, SRK Singh, S Gupta, MK Shrivastava, S Verma
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 15 (1), 76-80, 2016
A study on community based aquaculture promoted by KVK-Khordha, Odisha, India
PN Ananth, PR Sahoo, AK Dash, BK Pati, P Jayasankar, SRK Singh
Current World Environment 9 (3), 947, 2014
Technical efficiency of rice farms under irrigated conditions of North West Himalayan region-a non-parametric approach
LR Kumar, K Srinivas, SRK Singh
Indian journal of agricultural economics 60 (3), 2005
Radio: An educational media to transfer agricultural information among farmers
N Kumari, SB Choudhary, SK Jha, SRK Singh
Age (in years) 33 (14), 22.2, 2014
Adoption level and constraints of soybean production technology in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh
M Singh, AP Dwivedi, A Mishra, RP Singh, D Singh, SRK Singh, P Chand
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 8 (1), 94-99, 2013
A resilience scale to measure farmers’ suicidal tendencies in national calamity hit region of India
SP Lal, KS Kadian, SK Jha, SRK Singh, J Goyal, RS Kumar, SP Singh
Current World Environment 9 (3), 1001, 2014
Factors affecting knowledge of fish farmers regarding fish production technology
P Rajan, MK Dubey, SRK Singh, MA Khan
Fish farming 9, 10.00, 2013
Impact analysis of front line demonstrations (FLDs) on gram (chickpea) in Shivpuri District of Madhya Pradesh
RS Chauhan, SRK Singh, YD Mishra, P Singh, MK Bhargava, HP Singh
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 8 (2), 205-208, 2013
Impact of Frontline Demonstration on Productivity Enhancement in Chickpea
US Gautam, DK Paliwal, SRK Singh
Indian Journal of Extension Education 47 (3and4), 10-13, 2011
Adoption of improved production technology of pigeonpea
AP Dwivedi, SRK Singh, A Mishra, RP Singh, M Singh
Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 6 (2), 150-154, 2011
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Modulates the Gene Interactions to Activate the HIV Replication and Faster Disease Progression in a Co-Infected Host
JS Toor, S Singh, A Sharma, SK Arora
PLoS One 9 (9), e106815, 2014
Entrepreneurship development in agriculture through agro processing centre: a case study of Almora district in NW Himalaya
K Singh, A Srivastava, K Srinivas, S Singh, H Gupta
International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2007
Scouting technological vis-a-vis extension gaps in soybean production in Madhya Pradesh
SRK Singh, A Mishra, US Gautam, AP Dwivedi, P Chand
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 14 (2), 41-45, 2014
Constraints in adoption of integrated pest management practices by the potato growers
P Karade, SK Agrawal, SRK Singh, S Chouhan
Agriculture Update 9 (1), 149-15, 2014
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