Byoung-Joo Jung
Singular vector structure and evolution of a recurving tropical cyclone
HM Kim, BJ Jung
Monthly weather review 137 (2), 505-524, 2009
Adjoint-derived observation impact using WRF in the western North Pacific
BJ Jung, HM Kim, T Auligné, X Zhang, X Zhang, XY Huang
Monthly Weather Review 141 (11), 4080-4097, 2013
Influence of moist physics and norms on singular vectors for a tropical cyclone
HM Kim, BJ Jung
Monthly weather review 137 (2), 525-543, 2009
Effect of targeted dropsonde observations and best track data on the track forecasts of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) using an ensemble Kalman filter
BYJ Jung, H Kim, F Zhang, CC Wu
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 64 (1), 14984, 2012
Moist adjoint‐based forecast sensitivities for a heavy snowfall event over the Korean Peninsula on 4–5 March 2004
BJ Jung, HM Kim
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D15), 2009
Adjoint‐based forecast sensitivities of Typhoon Rusa
HM Kim, BJ Jung
Geophysical research letters 33 (21), 2006
Real-time adaptive observation guidance using singular vectors for Typhoon Jangmi (200815) in T-PARC 2008
HM Kim, SM Kim, BJ Jung
Weather and forecasting 26 (5), 634-649, 2011
Observation system experiments for Typhoon Jangmi (200815) observed during T-PARC
BJ Jung, HM Kim, YH Kim, EH Jeon, KH Kim
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 46, 305-316, 2010
A numerical study of dynamical and thermodynamical characteristics associated with a heavy snowfall event over the Korean peninsula on 4-5 March 2004
BJ Jung
J. Korean Meteor. Soc. 41, 387-399, 2005
Application of adjoint-based forecast sensitivities to Asian dust transport events in Korea
HM Kim, JK Kay, BJ Jung
Water, air, and soil pollution 195, 335-343, 2008
Intercomparison of the East-Asian summer monsoon on 11-18 July 2004, simulated by WRF, MM5, and RSM models
SR Ham, SJ Park, CH Bang, BJ Jung, SY Hong
Atmosphere 15 (2), 91-99, 2005
Data assimilation for the Model for Prediction Across Scales–Atmosphere with the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI-MPAS 1.0. 0): EnVar implementation and …
Z Liu, C Snyder, JJ Guerrette, BJ Jung, J Ban, S Vahl, Y Wu, Y Trémolet, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2022, 1-33, 2022
S.-M. Kim, and B.-J
HM Kim, BJ Jung, S Park, J Kay, SM Kim, J Kim, S Kim, E Yang
Jung, 634-649, 2011
Adaptive observation guidance applied to Typhoon Rusa: Implications for THORPEX-PARC 2008
HM Kim, BJ Jung, YH Kim, HS Lee
Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 44 (3), 297-312, 2008
Preliminary result for KIAPS-LETKF system with real observations
BJ Jung, JS Kang, JH Kim, Y Jo
한국기상학회 학술대회 논문집, 11-12, 2014
Three-dimensional variational assimilation with a multivariate background error covariance for the Model for Prediction Across Scales–Atmosphere with the Joint Effort for data …
BJ Jung, B Ménétrier, C Snyder, Z Liu, JJ Guerrette, J Ban, IH Baños, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 17 (9), 3879-3895, 2024
Data assimilation for the Model for Prediction Across Scales–Atmosphere with the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI-MPAS 2.0. 0-beta): ensemble of 3D ensemble …
JJ Guerrette, Z Liu, C Snyder, BJ Jung, CS Schwartz, J Ban, S Vahl, Y Wu, ...
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2023, 1-34, 2023
Representer-based variational data assimilation in a spectral element shallow water model on the cubed-sphere grid
BJ Jung, S Kim, Y Jo
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 24493, 2014
Development of a tangent linear model (version 1.0) for the High-Order Method Modeling Environment dynamical core
S Kim, BJ Jung, Y Jo
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (3), 1175-1182, 2014
Assessing the Impact of Assimilating All-Sky Window-Channel Infrared Radiances from GOES-ABI And Himawari-AHI on Analyses and Forecasts
IH Banos, Z Liu, J Ban, K Fossell, BJ Jung, C Snyder
104th AMS Annual Meeting, 2024
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