High-resolution Holocene environmental changes in the Thar Desert, northwestern India Y Enzel, LL Ely, S Mishra, R Ramesh, R Amit, B Lazar, SN Rajaguru, ... Science 284 (5411), 125-128, 1999 | 555 | 1999 |
The climatic and physiographic controls of the eastern Mediterranean over the late Pleistocene climates in the southern Levant and its neighboring deserts Y Enzel, R Amit, U Dayan, O Crouvi, R Kahana, B Ziv, D Sharon Global and Planetary Change 60 (3-4), 165-192, 2008 | 342 | 2008 |
Sand dunes as a major proximal dust source for late Pleistocene loess in the Negev Desert, Israel O Crouvi, R Amit, Y Enzel, N Porat, A Sandler Quaternary Research 70 (2), 275-282, 2008 | 238 | 2008 |
Desert pavement–coated surfaces in extreme deserts present the longest-lived landforms on Earth A Matmon, O Simhai, R Amit, I Haviv, N Porat, E McDonald, L Benedetti, ... Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (5-6), 688-697, 2009 | 158 | 2009 |
Active sand seas and the formation of desert loess O Crouvi, R Amit, Y Enzel, AR Gillespie Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (17-18), 2087-2098, 2010 | 156 | 2010 |
The evolution of Holocene Reg (gravelly) soils in deserts: An example from the Dead Sea region R Amit, R Gerson Catena 13 (1-2), 59-79, 1986 | 147 | 1986 |
Stages and rate of the gravel shattering process by salts in desert Reg soils R Amit, R Gerson, DH Yaalon Geoderma 57 (3), 295-324, 1993 | 141 | 1993 |
Multiple dust sources in the Sahara Desert: The importance of sand dunes O Crouvi, K Schepanski, R Amit, AR Gillespie, Y Enzel Geophysical Research Letters 39 (13), 2012 | 118 | 2012 |
Permanent Quaternary hyperaridity in the Negev, Israel, resulting from regional tectonics blocking Mediterranean frontal systems R Amit, Y Enzel, D Sharon Geology 34 (6), 509-512, 2006 | 111 | 2006 |
Rates and modes of dust accretion and deposition in an arid region—the Negev, Israel R Gerson, R Amit Geological Society, London, Special Publications 35 (1), 157-169, 1987 | 111 | 1987 |
Significance of primary hilltop loess in reconstructing dust chronology, accretion rates, and sources: An example from the Negev Desert, Israel O Crouvi, R Amit, N Porat, AR Gillespie, EV McDonald, Y Enzel Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 114 (F2), 2009 | 107 | 2009 |
Paleoseismic evidence for time dependency of seismic response on a fault system in the southern Arava Valley, Dead Sea rift, Israel R Amit, E Zilberman, Y Enzel, N Porat Geological Society of America Bulletin 114 (2), 192-206, 2002 | 90 | 2002 |
Quantitative mapping of arid alluvial fan surfaces using field spectrometer and hyperspectral remote sensing O Crouvi, E Ben-Dor, M Beyth, D Avigad, R Amit Remote sensing of environment 104 (1), 103-117, 2006 | 89 | 2006 |
The micromorphology of gypsum and halite in Reg soils—The Negev Desert, Israel R Amit, DH Yaalon Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21 (12), 1127-1143, 1996 | 85 | 1996 |
Surface ruptures induced by the devastating 1068 AD earthquake in the southern Arava valley, Dead Sea Rift, Israel E Zilberman, R Amit, N Porat, Y Enzel, U Avner Tectonophysics 408 (1-4), 79-99, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Relief inversion in the Avrona Playa as evidence of large-magnitude historical earthquakes, Southern Arava Valley, Dead Sea Rift R Amit, E Zilberman, N Porat, Y Enzel Quaternary Research 52 (1), 76-91, 1999 | 80 | 1999 |
Abrasion-derived sediments under intensified winds at the latest Pleistocene leading edge of the advancing Sinai–Negev erg Y Enzel, R Amit, O Crouvi, N Porat Quaternary Research 74 (1), 121-131, 2010 | 79 | 2010 |
Changes in Holocene paleoseismic activity in the Hula pull-apart basin, Dead Sea Rift, northern Israel E Zilberman, R Amit, A Heimann, N Porat Tectonophysics 321 (2), 237-252, 2000 | 79 | 2000 |
The seismicity along the Dead Sea fault during the last 60,000 years Y Hamiel, R Amit, ZB Begin, S Marco, O Katz, A Salamon, E Zilberman, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (3), 2020-2026, 2009 | 76 | 2009 |
Mapping shallow faults at the Evrona playa site using high-resolution reflection method V Shtivelman, U Frieslander, E Zilberman, R Amit Geophysics 63 (4), 1257-1264, 1998 | 68 | 1998 |