Mikael Malmaeus
Mikael Malmaeus
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
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Lake phosphorus dynamics and climate warming: A mechanistic model approach
JM Malmaeus, T Blenckner, H Markensten, I Persson
Ecological Modelling 190 (1-2), 1-14, 2006
Development of a lake eutrophication model
JM Malmaeus, L Håkanson
Ecological Modelling 171 (1-2), 35-63, 2004
Phosphorus release from coastal Baltic Sea sediments as estimated from sediment profiles
E Rydin, JM Malmaeus, OM Karlsson, P Jonsson
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92 (1), 111-117, 2011
Scenarios for sustainable futures beyond GDP growth 2050
Å Svenfelt, EC Alfredsson, K Bradley, E Fauré, G Finnveden, P Fuehrer, ...
Futures 111, 1-14, 2019
A dynamic model to predict suspended particulate matter in lakes
JM Malmaeus, L Håkanson
Ecological Modelling 167 (3), 247-262, 2003
Coefficients of variation for chlorophyll, green algae, diatoms, cryptophytes and blue-greens in rivers as a basis for predictive modelling and aquatic management
L Håkanson, JM Malmaeus, U Bodemer, V Gerhardt
Ecological modelling 169 (1), 179-196, 2003
Distribution and estimated release of sediment phosphorus in the northern Baltic Sea archipelagos
I Puttonen, J Mattila, P Jonsson, OM Karlsson, T Kohonen, A Kotilainen, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 145, 9-21, 2014
Ecosystem services in Swedish forests
K Hansen, M Malmaeus
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 31 (6), 626-640, 2016
Indications of recovery from hypoxia in the inner Stockholm archipelago
OM Karlsson, PO Jonsson, D Lindgren, JM Malmaeus, A Stehn
Ambio 39, 486-495, 2010
Structure-related distribution of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and HCB in a river–sea system
S Josefsson, OM Karlsson, JM Malmaeus, G Cornelissen, K Wiberg
Chemosphere 83 (2), 85-94, 2011
Multiple stressors threatening the future of the Baltic Sea–Kattegat marine ecosystem: Implications for policy and management actions
S Jutterström, HC Andersson, A Omstedt, JM Malmaeus
Marine pollution bulletin 86 (1-2), 468-480, 2014
Simulation of individual particle movement in a gravel streambed
JM Malmaeus, MA Hassan
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2002
New, general methods to define the depth separating surface water from deep water, outflow and internal loading for mass-balance models for lakes
L Håkanson, T Blenckner, JM Malmaeus
Ecological Modelling 175 (4), 339-352, 2004
Potential consequences on the economy of low or no growth-short and long term Perspectives
JM Malmaeus, EC Alfredsson
Ecological Economics 134, 57-64, 2017
Estimating the amount of mobile phosphorus in Baltic coastal soft sediments of central Sweden
M Malmaeus, E Rydin, P Jonsson, D Lindgren, M Karlsson
Boreal environment research 17 (6), 425-436, 2012
Real capital investments and sustainability-The case of Sweden
EC Alfredsson, JM Malmaeus
Ecological Economics 161, 216-224, 2019
A time-dynamic phosphorus model for the profundal sediments of Lake Erken, Sweden
JM Malmaeus, E Rydin
Aquatic sciences 68, 16-27, 2006
Basic income and social sustainability in post-growth economies
M Malmaeus, E Alfredsson, S Birnbaum
Basic Income Studies 15 (1), 2020
Framtider bortom BNP-tillväxt: slutrapport från forskningsprogrammet" Bortom BNP-tillväxt: scenarier för hållbart samhällsbyggande"
P Hagbert, G Finnveden, P Fuehrer, Å Svenfelt, E Alfredsson, Å Aretun, ...
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018
Ekonomi utan tillväxt: Ett svenskt perspektiv
M Malmaeus
Cogito, 2011
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