leli saptawati
leli saptawati
Doctor of microbiology, Universitas Sebelas Maret
在 staff.uns.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
In vitro study of eight Indonesian plants extracts as anti Dengue virus
L Saptawati, RP Febrinasari, RD Yudhani, H Yono, AG Faza, S Luthfiani, ...
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2018
A., & Rumende, CM (2012). Evaluasi Metode FastPlaqueTB Untuk Mendeteksi Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Pada Sputum Di Beberapa Unit Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Jakarta-Indonesia
L Saptawati, K Mardiastuti
Jurnal Tuberkulosis Indonesia 8 (2), 1-6, 0
Sensitivitas Metode Pemeriksaan Mikroskopis Fluorokrom dan Ziehl-Neelsen untuk Deteksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis pada Sputum
B Suryawati, L Saptawati, AF Putri, J Aphridasari
Smart Medical Journal 1 (2), 56-61, 2018
Surveilans Resistansi Antibiotik Rumah Sakit Kelas A dan B di Indonesia Tahun 2020
D Anggraini, MS Kuntaman, A Karuniawati, D Santosaningsih, S MK, ...
Deepublish, 2021
Distribution of Carbapenemase Genes among Carbapenem-Non-Susceptible Acinetobacter baumanii Blood Isolates in Indonesia: A Multicenter Study
D Anggraini, D Santosaningsih, YR Saharman, PD Endraswari, ...
Antibiotics 11 (3), 366, 2022
Prevalence of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in Surakarta, Indonesia: higher than expected
L Saptawati, H Kusumo, B Suryawati
KnE Life Sciences, 132–138-132–138, 2019
Infection prevention and control in Indonesian hospitals: identification of strengths, gaps, and challenges
IR Supriadi, CP Haanappel, L Saptawati, NH Widodo, G Sitohang, ...
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control 12 (1), 6, 2023
Petunjuk Teknis Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Dalam Menghadapi Wabah Covid-19
B Wibowo, TH Widyastoeti, HI Satari, SH Manullang, L Saptawati, ...
Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Dokumen Resmi, 2020
Evaluasi Metode GeneXpert MTB/RIF dengan Sampel Raw Sputum untuk Mendeteksi Tuberkulosis Paru
TN Susilawatia, L Saptawati, KE Damayanti, R Larasati
Jurnal Epidemiologi Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 2 (1), 2018
Good agreement between an interferon gamma release assay and tuberculin skin tests in testing for latent tuberculosis infection among HIV-infected patients in Indonesia
R Reviono, L Saptawati, D Redhono, B Suryawati
Journal of Korean Medical Science 34 (40), 2019
Survailan multi senter Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia colipenghasil ESBL di Indonesia
K Kuntaman, U Hadi, H Paraton, M Qibtiyah, E Wasito, E Koendhori, ...
Maj Kedokt Indones, 2013
Characteristics of clinical isolates of nontuberculous mycobacteria in Java-Indonesia: A multicenter study
L Saptawati, W Primaningtyas, P Dirgahayu, YS Sutanto, B Wasita, ...
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 16 (12), e0011007, 2022
Screening of Carica papaya L. And Psidium guajava leaves fraction as antiviral drug to dengue virus
S Ma’rufah, L Saptawati, FR Yuliasari, D Istifadah, TM Sudiro, BE Dewi, ...
Screening 44 (02), 2021
A high incidence of multidrug resistant strains as the agents causing bloodstream infection in hospital in Indonesia
B Suryawati, L Saptawati
Indonesian Journal of Medicine 4 (1), 28-34, 2019
Perbandingan Jumlah Kuman Pada Pasien Bromhidrosis, Sebelum Dan Sesudah Operasi Modifikasi Sedot Lemak Dengan Kuretase
MT Murti, WP Negara, S Widhiati, N Mulianto, I Julianto, L Saptawati
Media Dermato Venereologica Indonesiana 45 (1), 2018
Risk Factors and Prognosis of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Infection in a High Prevalence of Tuberculosis Setting
L Saptawati, YA Mashuri, B Suryawati, H Harsono, R Pradiptakirana
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health 5 (1), 79-87, 2020
The Increase of nontuberculous mycobacteria Infection: Emphasis on Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Diagnostic Tools
B Suryawati, Y Sari, L Saptawati
KnE Life Sciences, 139–146-139–146, 2019
In Vitro Study of Eight Indonesian Natural Extracts as Antiviral Against Dengue Virus
L Saptawati, RP Febrinasari, RD Yudhani, H Yono, AG Faza, S Luthfiani, ...
Health Science Journal of Indonesia 8 (1), 63814, 2017
Hubungan motivasi berprestasi dengan prokrastinasi akademik pada mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret
SE San Pambayun, L Saptawati
Nexus Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Kesehatan 3 (1), 2014
SG-APSIC1108: Implementation of infection prevention and control in Indonesian hospitals: Identification of strengths, gaps, and challenges in current practices
IR Supriadi, L Saptawati, NH Widodo, HI Satari, G Sitohang, Y Usman, ...
Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology 3 (S1), s17-s17, 2023
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