Brett Roberts
Brett Roberts
在 noaa.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
The role of surface drag in tornadogenesis within an idealized supercell simulation
B Roberts, M Xue, AD Schenkman, DT Dawson
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73 (9), 3371-3395, 2016
Postprocessing and visualization techniques for convection-allowing ensembles
B Roberts, IL Jirak, AJ Clark, SJ Weiss, JS Kain
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (7), 1245-1258, 2019
What does a convection-allowing ensemble of opportunity buy us in forecasting thunderstorms?
B Roberts, BT Gallo, IL Jirak, AJ Clark, DC Dowell, X Wang, Y Wang
Weather and Forecasting 35 (6), 2293-2316, 2020
The role of surface drag in mesocyclone intensification leading to tornadogenesis within an idealized supercell simulation
B Roberts, M Xue
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 74 (9), 3055-3077, 2017
The effect of surface drag strength on mesocyclone intensification and tornadogenesis in idealized supercell simulations
B Roberts, M Xue, DT Dawson
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77 (5), 1699-1721, 2020
A real-time, simulated forecasting experiment for advancing the prediction of hazardous convective weather
AJ Clark, IL Jirak, BT Gallo, B Roberts, KH Knopfmeier, RA Clark, J Vancil, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (11), E2022-E2024, 2020
A real-time, virtual spring forecasting experiment to advance severe weather prediction
AJ Clark, IL Jirak, BT Gallo, B Roberts, AR Dean, KH Knopfmeier, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (4), E814-E816, 2021
Exploring the optimal configuration of the high resolution ensemble forecast system
IL Jirak, AJ Clark, B Roberts, B Gallo, SJ Weiss
25th Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, 2018
Exploring the watch-to-warning space: Experimental outlook performance during the 2019 Spring Forecasting Experiment in NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed
BT Gallo, KA Wilson, J Choate, K Knopfmeier, P Skinner, B Roberts, ...
Weather and Forecasting 37 (5), 617-637, 2022
Exploring convection-allowing model evaluation strategies for severe local storms using the finite-volume cubed-sphere (FV3) model core
BT Gallo, JK Wolff, AJ Clark, I Jirak, LR Blank, B Roberts, Y Wang, ...
Weather and Forecasting 36 (1), 3-19, 2021
A method to control the environmental wind profile in idealized simulations of deep convection with surface friction
DT Dawson II, B Roberts, M Xue
Monthly Weather Review 147 (11), 3935-3954, 2019
The High Resolution Ensemble Forecast (HREF) system: Applications and performance for forecasting convective storms
B Roberts, BT Gallo, IL Jirak, AJ Clark
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Initial development and testing of a convection-allowing model scorecard
BT Gallo, CP Kalb, JH Gotway, HH Fisher, B Roberts, IL Jirak, AJ Clark, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), ES367-ES384, 2019
Warn-on-forecast system: From vision to reality
PL Heinselman, PC Burke, LJ Wicker, AJ Clark, JS Kain, J Gao, ...
Weather and Forecasting 39 (1), 75-95, 2024
The second real-time, virtual spring forecasting experiment to advance severe weather prediction
AJ Clark, IL Jirak, BT Gallo, KH Knopfmeier, B Roberts, M Krocak, J Vancil, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (4), E1114-E1116, 2022
Horizontal vortex tubes near a simulated tornado: Three-dimensional structure and kinematics
MI Oliveira, M Xue, BJ Roberts, LJ Wicker, N Yussouf
Atmosphere 10 (11), 716, 2019
An iterative storm segmentation and classification algorithm for convection-allowing models and gridded radar analyses
CK Potvin, BT Gallo, AE Reinhart, B Roberts, PS Skinner, RA Sobash, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 39 (7), 999-1013, 2022
The third real-time, virtual spring forecasting experiment to advance severe weather prediction capabilities
AJ Clark, IL Jirak, BT Gallo, B Roberts, KH Knopfmeier, J Vancil, D Jahn, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (2), E456-E458, 2023
Comparison and verification of point‐wise and patch‐wise localized probability‐matched mean algorithms for ensemble consensus precipitation forecasts
N Snook, F Kong, A Clark, B Roberts, KA Brewster, M Xue
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (12), e2020GL087839, 2020
Exploring Applications of Storm-Scale Probabilistic Warn-on-Forecast Guidance in Weather Forecasting
KA Wilson, JJ Choate, AJ Clark, BT Gallo, PL Heinselman, ...
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Applications and Case Studies: 11th …, 2019
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