Alexandr Belenchuk
Alexandr Belenchuk
其他姓名Alexandr Belenciuc
Moldova State University
在 usm.md 的电子邮件经过验证
Structural phase transition at the percolation threshold in epitaxial (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3)1–x:(MgO)x nanocomposite films
V Moshnyaga, B Damaschke, O Shapoval, A Belenchuk, J Faupel, ...
Nature materials 2 (4), 247-252, 2003
Structural phase transitions and stress accommodation in composite films
OI Lebedev, J Verbeeck, G Van Tendeloo, O Shapoval, A Belenchuk, ...
Physical Review B 66 (10), 104421, 2002
-Site Ordering versus Electronic Inhomogeneity <?format ?>in Colossally Magnetoresistive Manganite Films
V Moshnyaga, L Sudheendra, OI Lebedev, SA Köster, K Gehrke, ...
Physical review letters 97 (10), 107205, 2006
Doping of interfaces in (La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3) 1− x:(MgO) x composite films
SA Köster, V Moshnyaga, K Samwer, OI Lebedev, GV Tendeloo, ...
Applied physics letters 81 (9), 1648-1650, 2002
Electrical nonlinearity in colossal magnetoresistance manganite films: Relevance of correlated polarons
V Moshnyaga, K Gehrke, OI Lebedev, L Sudheendra, A Belenchuk, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (13), 134413, 2009
Giant negative photoconductivity in thin films
V Moshnyaga, A Giske, K Samwer, E Mishina, T Tamura, S Nakabayashi, ...
Journal of applied physics 95 (11), 7360-7362, 2004
Intrinsic antiferromagnetic coupling underlies colossal magnetoresistance effect: Role of correlated polarons
V Moshnyaga, A Belenchuk, S Huehn, C Kalkert, M Jungbauer, ...
Physical Review B 89 (2), 024420, 2014
PbTe films grown by hot wall epitaxy on sapphire substrates
Z Dashevsky, A Belenchuk, E Gartstein, O Shapoval
Thin Solid Films 461 (2), 256-265, 2004
Growth of (111)-oriented PbTe films on Si (001) using a BaF2 buffer
A Belenchuk, A Fedorov, H Huhtinen, V Kantser, R Laiho, O Shapoval, ...
Thin Solid Films 358 (1-2), 277-282, 2000
Room-temperature hot-polaron photovoltaics in the charge-ordered state of a layered perovskite oxide heterojunction
B Kressdorf, T Meyer, A Belenchuk, O Shapoval, M Ten Brink, S Melles, ...
Physical Review Applied 14 (5), 054006, 2020
Growth of (1 1 1)-oriented PbTe thin films on vicinal Si (1 1 1) and on Si (1 0 0) using fluoride buffers
A Belenchuk, O Shapoval, V Kantser, A Fedorov, P Schunk, T Schimmel, ...
Journal of crystal growth 198, 1216-1221, 1999
Thin-film PbSnTe:In/BaF2/CaF2/Si structures for monolithic matrix photodetectors operating in the far infrared range
AN Akimov, AV Belenchuk, AE Klimov, MM Kachanova, IG Neizvestny, ...
Technical Physics Letters 35, 524-527, 2009
Sensitivity of PbSnTe: In films to submillimeter radiation under conditions of field electron injection
AN Akimov, AV Belenchuk, VG Erkov, AE Klimov, IG Neizvestnyi, ...
Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques …, 2007
Ruddlesden-Popper interface in correlated manganite heterostructures induces magnetic decoupling and dead layer reduction
A Belenchuk, O Shapoval, V Roddatis, V Bruchmann-Bamberg, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (23), 2016
Interface-controlled magnetism and transport of ultrathin manganite films
O Shapoval, S Huehn, J Verbeeck, M Jungbauer, A Belenchuk, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (17), 2013
Secondary ion mass spectroscopy of zinc selenide crystals with photoconductivity spectral memory
A Belenchuk, N Ilinykh, L Kovalev
Russian Physics Journal 59 (10), 1718-1720, 2022
X-ray diffraction analysis of PbTe/SnTe superlattices grown on Si (111) substrates
OM Shapoval, A Belenchuk, A Fedorov, V Kantser, E Zasavitsky
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 2088-2092, 2009
HWBE growth of PbTe/CdTe superlattices on BaF2/CaF2/Si (111) substrates
A Belenchuk, O Shapoval, A Fedorov, V Kantser
Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences 1 (1), 120-123, 2002
Tailoring c‐Axis Orientation in Epitaxial Ruddlesden–Popper Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4 Films
S Hoffmann‐Urlaub, U Ross, J Hoffmann, A Belenchuk, O Shapoval, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (7), 2002049, 2021
Effect of charge ordering on crossplane thermal conductivity in correlated perovskite oxide superlattices
P Thiessen, V Roddatis, F Rieger, A Belenchuk, M Keunecke, ...
Physical Review B 98 (19), 195114, 2018
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