Halal industry in Indonesia; challenges and opportunities FK Mubarok, MK Imam Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry 2 (1), 55-64, 2020 | 105 | 2020 |
Peran sosialisasi dan edukasi dalam menumbuhkan minat investasi di pasar modal syariah FK Mubarok Inovasi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen 14 (2), 113-122, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
Analisis Kebijakan Fiskal dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam; Sebuah Kajian Historis Pada Masa Umar bin Khattab FK Mubarok Iqtisad 8 (1), 81-98, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Pengaruh Bopo, Npf, Roa Dan Inflasi Terhadap Aset Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia A Millania, R Wahyudi, FK Mubarok, JNE Satyarini Islamic Banking: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah 7 (1 …, 2021 | 23 | 2021 |
Optimalisasi portofolio nilai saham: studi komparasi kinerja saham syariah dan nonsyariah FK Mubarok, AR Darmawan, Z Luailiyah Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam 8 (2), 309-336, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service physics teachers Q Fariyani, FK Mubarok, S Masfu’ah, F Syukur Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni 9 (1), 99-107, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
Optimalisasi produk qardhul hasan dalam memberdayakan ekonomi umat FK Mubarok AKUNTABEL: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan 16 (1), 62-68, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
analisis pengelolaan dana desa Pranten kecamatan Gubug kabupaten Grobogan FK Mubarok, FL Annisak Studi Akuntansi Dan Keuangan Indonesia 4 (1), 60-67, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Islamic Entrepreneur resilience model: Retail business survives during crisis R El Junusi, FK Mubarok Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry 2 (2), 89-106, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Manajemen Referensi Berbasis Aplikasi Mendeley untuk Jurnal Ilmiah FK Mubarok Ilmiah, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
The Effect of Zakat Literacy, Religiosity, and Income on the Decision to Pay Agricultural Zakat J Arifin, FK Mubarok, NFZ Fuadi International Journal of Zakat 7 (2), 115-123, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Analisis Dampak Program Pemberdayaan Terhadap Kesejahteraan Umat FK Mubarok Perisai: Islamic Banking and Finance Journal 5 (2), 195-201, 2021 | 6 | 2021 |
The mediating role of innovation between transglobal leadership and organizational performance in Islamic higher education R El Junusi, FK Mubarok Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide Dan Inspirasi 8 (2), 269-286, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Peran sosialisasi dan edukasi dalam menumbuhkan minat investasi di pasar modal syariah. Inovasi, 14 (2), 113 FK Mubarok | 5 | 2018 |
Optimizing the Use of Zakat, Infaq, and Alms Funds Based on the Empowerment of Pesantren FK Mubarok, S Mujibatun, A Murtadho, A Furqon ICON-ISHIC, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Building The Relationship of Islamic Transglobal Leadership with Human Resource Performance Through a Meaningful Work, Engagement, and Creativity. R EL JUNUSI, B WIDARNO, FK MUBAROK International Journal of Economics & Management 15 (2), 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Analysis of the Return and Risk of Investment in Insurance Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange AS Robbyah, FK Mubarok, R El Junusi, R Wahyudi At-Taqaddum 13 (1), 57-72, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Pengaruh FDR dan ROA terhadap tingkat bagi hasil deposito mudharabah Bank Syariah di Indonesia RN Wahyuni, FK Mubarok, R Wahyudi Al-Qardhu 1 (01), 13-25, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Analysis of Abnormal Returns Before and After the Announcement of the Merger of State-Owned Sharia Banks IA Putri, FK Mubarok, R Wahyudi AL-ARBAH: Journal of Islamic Finance and Banking 3 (2), 111-126, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Analisis Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility Pada Perusahaan Berlabel Syariah di Bursa Efek Indonesia FK Mubarok Media Trend 14 (2), 154-165, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |