Dr Conor Lynch
Dr Conor Lynch
Munster Technological University
在 mtu.ie 的电子邮件经过验证
Simplified method to derive the Kalman Filter covariance matrices to predict wind speeds from a NWP model
C Lynch, MJ OMahony, T Scully
Energy procedia 62, 676-685, 2014
A comparison of deep learning vs traditional machine learning for electricity price forecasting
C O'Leary, C Lynch, R Bain, G Smith, D Grimes
2021 4th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies …, 2021
A novel 24 kalman filter bank estimator for solar irradiance prediction for PV power generation
C Lynch, MJ O'Mahony, RA Guinee
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-7, 2015
A review of open-source machine learning algorithms for twitter text sentiment analysis and image classification
C Lynch, C O’Leary, G Smith, R Bain, J Kehoe, A Vakaloudis, R Linger
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-9, 2020
Electrical load forecasting using an expanded Kalman filter bank methodology
C Lynch, M JO'Mahony, RA Guinee
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (25), 358-365, 2016
Accurate day ahead temperature prediction using a 24 hour Kalman filter estimator
C Lynch, MJ O'Mahony, RA Guinee
2015 11th Conference on Ph. D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics …, 2015
An evaluation of machine learning approaches for milk volume prediction in Ireland
C O'Leary, C Lynch
2022 33rd Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 1-8, 2022
Experimental Analysis of GBM to Expand the Time Horizon of Irish Electricity Price Forecasts
C Lynch, C O’Leary, PGK Sundareshan, Y Akin
Energies 14 (22), 7587, 2021
Kalman Filter bank post-processor methodology for the Weather Research and Forecasting Model wind speed grid model output correction
A Baró Pérez, C Lynch, AL Ferrer Hernández, I Borrajero Montejo, ...
International Journal of Sustainable Energy 38 (6), 511-525, 2019
Application of a SVM-based model for day-ahead electricity price prediction for the single electricity market in Ireland
C Lynch, J Kehoe, R Bain, F Zhang, J Flynn, C O’Leary, G Smith, R Linger, ...
Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF …, 2019
A Review of AutoML Software Tools for Time Series Forecasting and Anomaly Detection.
C O'Leary, FG Toosi, C Lynch
ICAART (3), 421-433, 2023
24 Hour Step Ahead Wind Speed/Wind Power Prediction Using a Novel Kalman Filter Bank Prediction Estimator
C Lynch, MJ O’Mahony, RA Guinee
Energy Sustainability 56857, V002T19A003, 2015
A Review of Data-Driven Smart Energy Management Systems for Distribution Networks
E Asghar, M Hill, C Lynch
2023 IEEE PES GTD International Conference and Exposition (GTD), 386-397, 2023
A Regularization-Based Long Short-Term Memory Architecture Design for Solar Irradiance Prediction
E Asghar, M Hill, C Lynch
2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy …, 2022
Evaluation of Perceptron Learning Algorithm for Day-Ahead Photovoltaic Power Forecasting
PQ An, C O’Leary, G Smith, M Caballero, C Lynch
2023 International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEE …, 2023
An XGBoost approach for industrial component degradation classification
R Bain, C Lynch, D McDonnell, K Witheephanich
2022 33rd Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 1-7, 2022
Development of a Novel Kalman Filter Bank Predictor to Optimally Schedule the Renewable Energy Contribution within a Micro-Grid
C Lynch
ICICT 2021
MK Gajendran, MZ Khan, MAK Khattak, C O'Leary, C Lynch, MA Mercioni, ...
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