Pavel Melentiev
Pavel Melentiev
Leading Scientific Researcher of Institute of Spectroscopy, Moscow
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Optical nanofiber as an efficient tool for manipulating and probing atomic fluorescence
KP Nayak, PN Melentiev, M Morinaga, F Le Kien, VI Balykin, K Hakuta
Optics express 15 (9), 5431-5438, 2007
Giant optical nonlinearity of a single plasmonic nanostructure
PN Melentiev, AE Afanasiev, AA Kuzin, AS Baturin, VI Balykin
Optics express 21 (12), 13896-13905, 2013
Optical Tamm state and extraordinary light transmission through a nanoaperture
IV Treshin, VV Klimov, PN Melentiev, VI Balykin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (2), 023832, 2013
Fam Le Kien, VI Balykin, and K. Hakuta,“Optical nanofiber as an efficient tool for manipulating and probing atomic Fluorescence,”
KP Nayak, PN Melentiev, M Morinaga
Opt. Express 15 (9), 5431-5438, 2007
Plasmonic nanolaser for intracavity spectroscopy and sensorics
P Melentiev, A Kalmykov, A Gritchenko, A Afanasiev, V Balykin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 111 (21), 2017
Opt. Express
KP Nayak, PN Melentiev, M Morinaga
Opt. Express 15 (5431), 2007
Optics and spectroscopy of a single plasmonic nanostructure
VI Balykin, PN Melentiev
Physics-Uspekhi 61 (2), 133, 2018
Toward a theoretically limited SPP propagation length above two hundred microns on an ultra-smooth silver surface
VIB Aleksandr S. Baburin, Aleksey S. Kalmykov, Roman V. Kirtaev, Dmitriy V ...
Optical Materials Express 8 (11), 3254-3261, 2018
Photoluminescence control by hyperbolic metamaterials and metasurfaces: a review
LY Beliaev, O Takayama, PN Melentiev, AV Lavrinenko
Opto-Electronic Advances 4 (8), 210031-1-210031-27, 2021
Split hole resonator: A nanoscale UV light source
PN Melentiev, AE Afanasiev, AA Kuzin, VM Gusev, ON Kompanets, ...
Nano letters 16 (2), 1138-1142, 2016
Single nano-hole as a new effective nonlinear element for third-harmonic generation
PN Melentiev, TV Konstantinova, AE Afanasiev, AA Kuzin, AS Baturin, ...
Laser Physics Letters 10 (7), 075901, 2013
Single nanohole and photonic crystal: wavelength selective enhanced transmission of light
PN Melentiev, AE Afanasiev, AA Kuzin, AV Zablotskiy, AS Baturin, ...
Optics Express 19 (23), 22743-22754, 2011
Nanolithography based on an atom pinhole camera
PN Melentiev, AV Zablotskiy, DA Lapshin, EP Sheshin, AS Baturin, ...
Nanotechnology 20 (23), 235301, 2009
Atom “pinhole camera” with nanometer resolution
VI Balykin, PA Borisov, VS Letokhov, PN Melentiev, SN Rudnev, ...
JETP letters 84, 466-469, 2006
Simple and effective modulation of diode lasers
PN Melentiev, MV Subbotin, VI Balykin
LASER PHYSICS-LAWRENCE- 11 (8), 891-896, 2001
State-of-the-art plasmonic crystals for molecules fluorescence detection
PNM Aleksandr S. Baburin, Anton S. Gritchenko, Nikolay A. Orlikovsky, Alina ...
Optical Materials Express 9 (3), 1173-1179, 2019
Single nanohole and photoluminescence: nanolocalized and wavelength tunable light source
PN Melentiev, TV Konstantinova, AE Afanasiev, AA Kuzin, AS Baturin, ...
Optics Express 20 (17), 19474-19483, 2012
Multipolar third-harmonic generation in fishnet metamaterials
L Wang, AS Shorokhov, PN Melentiev, S Kruk, M Decker, C Helgert, ...
ACS Photonics 3 (8), 1494-1499, 2016
Subwavelength light localization based on optical nonlinearity and light polarization
PN Melentiev, AE Afanasiev, AA Kuzin, AS Baturin, VI Balykin
Optics Letters 38 (13), 2274-2276, 2013
Highly directional plasmonic nanolaser based on high-performance noble metal film photonic crystal
AS Baburin, AI Ivanov, IV Trofimov, AA Dobronosovaa, PN Melentiev, ...
Nanophotonics VII 10672, 261-267, 2018
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