Deepak Kumar Akar
Selected organ dose conversion coefficients for external photons calculated using ICRP adult voxel phantoms and Monte Carlo code FLUKA
HK Patni, MY Nadar, DK Akar, S Bhati, PK Sarkar
Radiation protection dosimetry 147 (3), 406-416, 2011
Estimation of specific absorbed fractions for selected organs due to photons emitted by activity deposited in the human respiratory tract using ICRP/ICRU male voxel phantom in …
HK Patni, DK Akar, MY Nadar, VP Ghare, DD Rao, PK Sarkar
Radiation protection dosimetry 153 (1), 32-46, 2013
Monte Carlo simulation of embedded 241Am activity in injured palm
MY Nadar, HK Patni, DK Akar, L Mishra, IS Singh, DD Rao, PK Sarkar
Radiation protection dosimetry 154 (2), 148-156, 2013
Optimum energy compensation for current mode application of silicon PIN diode in gamma radiation detection
P Mitra, S Srivastava, SK Singh, DK Akar, HK Patni, A Topkar, AV Kumar
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63 (6), 2777-2781, 2016
Monte Carlo simulation of NaI (TL) detector in a shadow-shield scanning bed whole-body monitor for uniform and axial cavity activity distribution in a BOMAB phantom
DK Akar, HK Patni, MY Nadar, VP Ghare, DD Rao
Radiation protection dosimetry 155 (3), 292-299, 2013
Monte Carlo calculation of organ and effective doses due to photon and neutron point sources and typical X-ray examinations: results of an international intercomparison exercise
C Huet, J Eakins, M Zankl, JM Gómez-Ros, J Jansen, M Moraleda, ...
Radiation measurements 150, 106695, 2022
Assessment of uncertainties in the lung activity measurement of low-energy photon emitters using Monte Carlo simulation of ICRP male thorax voxel phantom
MY Nadar, DK Akar, DD Rao, MS Kulkarni, KS Pradeepkumar
Radiation protection dosimetry 167 (4), 461-471, 2015
Counting efficiency of whole-body monitoring system using BOMAB and ANSI/IAEA thyroid phantom due to internal contamination of 131I
VP Ghare, HK Patni, DK Akar, DD Rao
Radiation protection dosimetry 162 (3), 230-235, 2014
Monte Carlo calculation of organ dose coefficients for internal dosimetry: Results of an international intercomparison exercise
M Zankl, JMG Ros, M Moraleda, U Reichelt, DK Akar, J Borbinha, ...
Radiation Measurements 148, 106661, 2021
Monte carlo simulation of skull and knee voxel phantoms for the assessment of skeletal burden of low-energy photon emitters
MY Nadar, DK Akar, HK Patni, IS Singh, L Mishra, DD Rao, ...
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 162 (4), 469-477, 2014
Monte Carlo simulation of enriched uranium in the lungs of thorax voxel phantom for assessment of enrichment and its effect on dose
MY Nadar, DK Akar, L Mishra, HK Patni, IS Singh, PD Sawant
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 173, 109721, 2021
Evaluation of uncertainties in lung measurement of actinides due to non-uniform distribution of activity in lungs
MY Nadar, DK Akar, DD Rao, MS Kulkarni, KS Pradeepkumar
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 127, 109-115, 2017
Evaluation of Uncertainties in lung measurements of actinides due to counting statistics
MY Nadar, DK Akar, IS Singh, PD Sawant, MS Kulkarni
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 143, 67-71, 2019
Methodology for the assessment of ingested actinides from Monte Carlo simulation of voxel phantom
MY Nadar, DK Akar, DD Rao, MS Kulkarni, KS Pradeepkumar
Radiation Protection Dosimetry 173 (4), 308-317, 2017
A generalized method for solving biokinetic models of selected radionuclides
HK Patni, VP Ghare, DK Akar, DD Rao
Estimation of intake by maximum likelihood method using follow up measurements of 131 I thyroidal burden
VP Ghare, HK Patni, DK Akar, DD Rao
Radiation Protection and Environment 35 (2), 80-83, 2012
Monte Carlo in Internal Dosimetry
HK Patni, DK Akar
Handbook on Radiation Environment, Volume 2: Dose Measurements, 477-506, 2024
131I dose coefficients for reference public using age-specific models.
PK Singh, HK Patni, R Roy, DK Akar, PD Sawant
Journal of Radiological Protection: Official Journal of the Society for …, 2023
Uncertainty in estimated intake for routine lung monitoring of Pu/Am
MY Nadar, S Halder, L Mishra, DK Akar, IS Singh, PD Sawant
Radiation Protection and Environment 46 (1&2), 14-18, 2023
Estimation of specific absorbed fractions for Indian reference man due to photon emission from lungs source
HK Patni, DK Akar, MY Nadar, VP Ghar
Proceedings of the thirty-third IARP international conference on …, 2018
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